
Celebrity Maltese Chefs and Recipe Enthusiasts

Osso Buco

Roxx ftit bżar u melħ fuq il-laħam. Saħħan ftit żejt ġo taġen imdaqqas u qalli l-laħam malajr fuq żewġ naħat sakemm jiġi kannella. Neħħi l-laħam mit-taġen. Qatta’ l-basal biċċiet żgħar u aqlih fl-istess taġen tal-laħam. Żid it-tadam imqatta’, iz-zokkor u l-mixed spice. Sajjar għal ftit minuti. Żid id-dqiq, il-faqqiegħ, l-inbid u l-ilma, ftit bżar u melħ, u qoxra ta’ larinġa maħkuka.Kompli għalli u sajjar fuq nar baxx. Poġġi t-taħlita ġo casserole, żid il-laħam u kompli sajjar fil-forn b’temperatura baxxa ghal madwar 25 minuta. Servi ma’ ftit patata maxx u ftit ħaxix.

Chicken with Cheese & Asparagu...

Add the butter to the pan and fry the onions and garlic for a few minutes. Add the chicken and cook for 5 minutes on each side. As it is ready, remove it from the pan and make it to the side. In the same pan, add a little more butter and gently cook the asparagus and mushrooms. Add the cream, we pulled and stock. Stir well until it comes very hot and the cheese has dissolved. If the sauce is very combined, you can add some milk. Add the chicken to the sauce and toss some parsley. Serve it with the outline you prefer.

Balbuljata bil-Qarabagħli

Saħħan iż-żejt f'taġen fuq nar medju u sajjar il-basal għal madwar 2 minuti. Żid il-karrotti u t-tewm u kompli aqli waqt li tħawwad minn ħin għal ieħor. Żid il-piżelli, l-istokk tat-tiġieġ, u l-bżar u l-melħ. Kompli aqli għal minuta oħra u żid issa l-ikkapuljat u sajjar sakemm ikun imsajjar tajjeb. Żid issa l-qarabagħli u kompli aqli sakemm isir iżda tħallihx jirtab iżżejjed. Mat-taħlita ħallat il-kunserva, iz-zokkor u l-ilma u kompli aqli għal 2 minuti. Ħabbat il-bajd fi skutella u żidu mal-ingredjenti l-oħra fit-taġen sakemm jitħallat kollox f'daqqa. Żid il-ġobon maħkuk u servi.

Omelette Wedges

Finely chop the spring onions and set aside. Thickly slice the potatoes (there is no need to peel them first), then boil in a pan of lightly salted water for 10 mins until just tender. Drain. Meanwhile snip the bacon into pieces with scissors. Heat a frying pan with 1 tsp oil, then stir-fry the bacon until it turns pink. Add the spring onions to the pan, stir briefly for a couple of secs to slightly soften, then tip the bacon and onion into a bowl. Wash and dry the frying pan.

Break the eggs into a bowl, then whisk with Mayor mustard and a little salt and pepper. Grate the cheese and add half to the egg mixture with the cooked bacon, onions and potatoes. Gently stir to mix everything. Heat 2 tbsp oil in the pan; when it is hot, pour in the mixture, then stir a couple of times as it sets on the base of the pan to start it cooking.

Turn on the grill so it has time to heat up. Leave the omelette to cook, undisturbed, over a low heat for about 6 mins. Meanwhile, cut the tomatoes into wedges, scatter over the omelette and sprinkle with the grated cheese. When the omelette seems set on the base, but is still a little eggy on top, put the frying pan under the grill to cook the last of the egg mixture and melt the cheese. Cool for 5 mins, then turn out of the pan. Cut into wedges and serve with ketchup, toast, tea and orange juice for a delicious family breakfast.

Tomato, Ricotta & Oregano Toas...

Toss the tomatoes in the sea salt flakes. Spread two toasts with the Hanini ricotta, top with the tomatoes, drizzle with balsamic glaze and scatter with the oregano leaves. Season with black pepper to serve.

Muffins bil-Bulubif u l-Faqqiegħ

Place corned beef in a bowl and add eggs and mix well. Cover 10 muffin moulds from the inside thinly with the corned beef mix. In a pan add butter and Three Hills Kunserva, and fry garlic, Mayor Sliced Mushrooms, Mayor Marrowfat Peas and tomatoes for 5 minutes. Fill the muffin moulds with the pan mix, sprinkle some pepper and bake at 180 degree Celcius for around 15 minutes. Take out, add chopped Hanini Pekorin Mature cheese at the top and bake for another 5 minutes. Serve with your favourite sides.

Recipe by Mir Ricetti ta’ Pawlina

Għaġin bl-Irkotta u l-Pine Nuts

Cook the pasta ‘al dente’. Set aside 100ml hot water from the pot than drain the pasta. In a bowl mix the irkotta, peas, mint leaves, stock, pepper, and some pine nuts. Put the Irkotta mix in the pot and add the 100ml water and stir. Add the pasta to the pot on low heat and mix well to warm all pasta.  Serve hot, topped up with the grated ġibniet and remaining pine nuts.

Recipe by Mill Kcina ta’ Pawlina

Ċiċri fuq Ħobż Mixwi

Heat ½ tsp of the oil in a pan. Tip in Mayor diced onions and cook until soft, about 5-8 mins, then add the chipotle paste, Mayor Sugu, Mayor chickpeas, honey and Pinto’s pride vinegar. Season and bubble for 5 mins. Toast the bread. Heat the remaining oil in a frying pan and fry the eggs. Drizzle the toast with a little oil, then top with the chickpeas and fried eggs.

Roast Summer Vegetables & Chic...

Heat oven to 220C/200C fan/gas 7. Tip all the vegetables into a large roasting tin and toss with the coriander seeds, most of the olive oil and salt and pepper. Spread everything out to a single layer, then roast for 45 mins, tossing once or twice until the vegetables are roasted and brown round the edges. Place the tin on a low the tin on a low heat, then add Mayor Polpa and Mayor chickpeas. Bring to a simmer and gently stir. Season to taste, drizzle with olive oil, then scatter over the coriander. Serve from the tin or pile into a serving dish. Eat with hunks of bread.

Insalata taċ-Ċfuf bit-Tonn taż-Żejt

Għalli l-għaġin skont l-istruzzjonijiet tal-pakkett. Aħsel u qattar tajjeb il-ħass. Qattgħu f'biċċiet u żidu mal-għaġin. Saffi t-tonn taż-żejt u żidu mal-għaġin flimkien maż-żebbuġ, il-bżar u l-melħ. Ħawwad tajjeb. F'reċipjent ieħor, ħallat il-mayonnaise ma' ftit yogurt flimkien mal-ħabaq. Ħawwad sakemm l-ingredjenti kollha jitħalltu flimkien. Ferrex din it-taħlita fuq l-għaġin. Żejjen il-wiċċ tal-insalata bil-blalen tal-mozzarella.

Minted Felafel Couscous Salad with ...

Start this recipe by making the falafel. Mash the chickpeas in a bowl and mix in the onion, garlic, mint, parsley, egg yolk, flour and season with salt and pepper.  Mix to a paste, adding in a little breadcrumb if to soft. Allow to sit in the fridge for 15 minutes before forming into patties and coat in the breadcrumbs. When ready, either shallow fry or place on a baking tray, drizzle with olive oil and bake in the oven at 200°C for 10-12 minutes. Meanwhile, make up the lemon couscous with hot water and allow to absorb. When ready, mix in the roasted pepper, cucumber, pistachios and salad leaves and spoon into 2 deep serving plates. Lay the falafel on top and spoon the mustard BBq sauce into 2 small bowls and serve on the side in the salad plates.

Air Fryer Crispy Chilli Beef

L-ewwel ħallat flimkien l-ingredjenti kollha tal-immaninar fi skutella. Żid il-biċċiet tal-vitella u għaddashom sew fl-immarinar. Jekk tista', ħallih fil-friġġ għal 24 siegħa. Ferrex id-dqiq tal-qamħirrun fuq il-laħam u ħallat sew sabiex tiksi kull biċċa tal-vitella. Poġġi l-biċċiet tal-laħam fuq platt u ferrex ftit żejt fuq kull biċċa. Saħħan l-air fryer f'temperatura ta 220C. Sajjar il-laħam għal 6 minuti, dawwar il-laħam u kompli sajjar għal 4-6 minuti. Sadanittant, saħħan żewġ mgħaref żejt f'taġen fond fuq nar għoli u sajjar it-tewm, il-ġinġer, il-felfel, il-bżaru u l-abjad tal-basal twil għal 2-3 minuti sakemm jirtab il-bżaru. Attent li ma taħraqx il-ġinġer u t-tewm. Żid il-ħall, is-soy sauce, is-sweet chili u l-ketchup. Ħawwad tajjeb u kompli sajjar sakemm jibda jbaqbaq. Itfa' l-laħam fiz-zalza. Kompli sajjar għal minuta oħra u servih mal-aħdar tal-basal u ma' ftit zalza apparti.

Insalata tal-Għaġin bl-Ispinaċi

Sajjar l-għagin skont l-istruzzjonijiet tal-pakkett. Aħsel tajjeb l-ispinaċi. Neħħi z-zkuk kollha u poġġih ġod-dixx mal-għaġin fejn se sservi l-insalata. Fl-istess dixx, żid nofs il-ġobon maħkuk, it-tadam imqatta’ f’ biċċiet, u t-tadam imqadded, iż-żejt u bżar u melħ. Ħawwad tajjeb. Fil-wiċċ roxx il-bqija tal-ġobon. Servi.

Għads bil-Kari u ċ-Ċiċri

Saħħan iż-żejt u aqli l-basla, it-tewm, il-felfel u l-ġinġer għal 2-3 minuti. Żid il-ħwawar u sajjar għal minuta. Itfa' l-għads, il-ħalib, il-polpa, il-melħ u nofs tazza ilma. Ħallih sakemm jagħli u ħallih itektek għal 20 minuta sabiex isir l-għads. Kif ikun lest, ara jekk hemmx bżonn iżżid ftit ilma u żid iċ-ċiċri. Qabel isservi, ħawwad il-kosbor frisk mat-taħlita u servih mar-ross u l-flieli tal-lumi.

Cod with Olives & Crispy Pance...

Ħallat iż-żebbuġ u t-tadam imqadded mal-polpa tat-tadam. Żid ftit bżar u melħ. Ferrex iz-zalza f'dixx tal-forn, żid il-ħut fil-wiċċ u ferrex iż-żejt taż-żebbuġa. Sajjar f'temperatura ta' 200C jew 180C bil-fann, gass numru 6 għal 15-20 minuta jew sakemm isir il-ħut. Saħħan taġen fuq in-nar u sajjar il-pancetta għal minuta miż-żewġ naħat jew sakemm tiġi tqarmeċ. Itfa' l-biċċiet tal-pancetta fil-wiċċ tal-ħut.

Tropical Granola Lollies

Purée the mango, banana and Pinto’s pride coconut milk in a blender until rich and smooth. Pour the mixture into lolly moulds and freeze overnight. The next day, whizz the granola slightly in a small food processor to remove any large lumps (or tip into a bowl and bash with the end of a rolling pin), then tip into a bowl. Melt the chocolate in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering water, making sure the base of the bowl isn’t in contact with the water. Remove the lollies from their moulds. Dip the tops one at a time in the chocolate, then into the granola. Place on a tray lined with baking parchment to set – they will set very quickly. Eat immediately or freeze until needed.

Fig, Nut & Seed Bread with Han...

Heat oven to 170C/150C fan/gas 3½. Pour the tea into a large bowl and stir in the figs, sultanas and oats. Set aside to soak.

Meanwhile, line the base and sides of a 1kg loaf tin with baking parchment. Mix together the flour, baking powder, nuts and seeds. Beat the egg into the cooled fruit mixture, then stir the dry ingredients into the wet. Pour into the tin, then level the top and scatter with the extra nuts and sesame seeds.

Bake for 1 hr, then cover the top with foil and bake for 15 mins more until a skewer inserted into the centre of the loaf comes out clean. Remove from the tin to cool, but leave the parchment on until cold. Cut into slices, spread with Hanini ricotta and serve with fruit. Will keep in the fridge for 1 month, or freeze in slices.

Burgers tal-Laħam

Itfa' l-ikkapuljat tal-laħam fi skutella flimkien mal-basal u l-bajda u ħawwad tajjeb. Aqsam it-taħlita f'erbgħa. Xarrab ftit idejk u bil-mod fforma t-taħlita f'erba' blalen, f'daqs ta' blalen tat-tennis. B'idejk agħfashom 'l isfel sabiex tiċċattjahom għal madwar 3ċm ħxuna. Ara li l-ħxuna tal-burgers hija ta' kollha l-istess sabiex isiru lkoll indaqs. Agħmilhom fi platt, għattihom u ħallihom fil-friġġ għal madwar nofs siegħa. Saħħan il-barbecue fuq nar medju (għal madwar 40 minuta). Idlek bi ftit żejt naħa minnhom tal-burgers u itfagħhom bin-naħa taż-żejt 'l isfel fuq il-barbecue. Sajjar għal 5 minuti sakemm il-laħam jibda jieħu ftit kulur. Iċċaqlaqhomx għaliex jistgħu jeħlu. Itfa' ftit żejt in-naħa l-oħra u dawwarhom. Tagħfasx 'l isfel fuq il-laħam għaliex joħroġ il-meraq kollu. Sajjar għal 5 minuti oħra jekk tiggosta l-laħam imsajjar medju. Jekk tippreferi l-laħam roża fin-nofs, sajjar minuta inqas fuq kull naħa. Jekk trid il-laħam imsajjar iżjed, sajjar għal minuta oħra. Neħħi l-burgers minn fuq il-barbecue u ħallihom joqogħdu ftit fuq platt. Aqsam erba' panini min-nofs. Poġġihom rashom 'l isfel fuq l-ixkaffa tal-barbecue u ħallihom għal minuta sakemm jieħdu ftit kulur. Itfa' burger ġo kull panina u żid l-ingredjenti li tiggosta.

Prawn Fried Rice

Sajjar ir-ross skont l-istruzzjonijiet tal-pakkett. Għalli borma bl-ilma u ismot iż-żewġ tipi ta' piżelli għal minuta, saffihom u warrabhom flimkien mar-ross. Sadanittant, saħħan iż-żejt f'taġen li ma jwaħħilx fuq nar medju u aqli l-basal għal 10 minuti jew sakemm jieħu l-kulur. Żid it-tewm u l-ġinġer u kompli aqli għal minuta oħra. Itfa' l-piżelli u aqli għal 5 minuti u wara żid ukoll il-gambli u kompli sajjar għal 2 minuti oħra. Itfa' r-ross fit-taġen u ħawwad kollox flimkien. Ressaq kollox lejn naħa waħda tat-taġen. Itfa' l-bajd mħabbat fuq in-naħa l-vojta tat-taġen u ħawwad. Ħallat kollox flimkien, żid iż-żerriegħa tal-ġunġlien, soy sauce u l-ħall. Fl-aħħar itfa' ftit basal aħdar fil-wiċċ.

Chicken Stroganoff

Heat half the oil in a frying pan and fry the chicken pieces over a medium high heat, stirring frequently. until golden brown. Season and transfer to a plate. Heat the remaining oil and lower the heat to medium. Fry the Mayor diced onions for 6-8 mins until softened but not golden, then stir in the garlic and paprika. Fry for a minute until fragrant, then pour in the stock, and add the Mayor mustard and Pinto’s Pride Worcester sauce. Tip in the seared chicken with any resting juices, and simmer for 5-6 mins until reduced slightly and the chicken is cooked through. Over a low heat, stir in the soured cream until just combined to create a creamy sauce, and it’s just started to simmer. Scatter over the parsley and serve with rice, mash or pasta, if you like.

Dipp tat-Tadam Imħawwar

Place all ingredients in a food processor and mix together. Place in a bowl, add some olive oil and serve with some toasted bread,

Torti Ħelwin tal-Ġbejniet

Fi skutella, għaffeġ l-ġbejniet friski, l-icing sugar u l-lewż imfarrak. Iftaħ l-għaġina u aqta' fi tmien ċrieki ta' 10ċm. Idlek kull ċirku bil-ġamm tal-bajtar. Itfa' mgħarfa mit-taħlita tal-ġobon fuq kull biċċa tal-għaġina. Idlek it-truf tal-għaġina b'bajda mħabbta u agħfas biex tagħlaq. Idlek il-wiċċ b'bajda mħabbta u poġġihom fuq karta strazza f'dixx. Aħmi f'temperatura ta' 200 C sakemm jieħdu l-kulur. Kif jiksħu, idlek il-wiċċ bi ftit ieħor ġamm tal-bajtar u żejjen bil-ħelu kkulurit

Kejk bil-Jogurt, Ċitru u Lewż

Melt the butter in a small pan. Remove from the heat and leave to cool slightly. Meanwhile, butter a 23cm springform cake tin and line with baking parchment. Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Put the 200g caster sugar, flour and ground almonds in a large bowl and mix well. Whisk the eggs and 75g of Hanini Natural Yogurt into the cooled melted butter, then pour this into the bowl with the dry ingredients. Zest the lemon and orange over the bowl. Stir with a spatula until there are no streaks of flour, then scrape into the tin and bake on the middle shelf of the oven for 40 mins. Cut a few slices each from the zested lemon and orange, then squeeze the juice from what’s left of each into a saucepan (you’ll need about 6 tbsp total). Add the 2 tbsp caster sugar and the fruit slices to the pan. Bring to the boil and cook for 5-10 mins, or until the juice has reduced to a thin syrup and the fruit slices have softened. Leave to cool. Remove the fruit slices to a sheet of baking parchment and leave to dry. Insert a skewer into the middle of the cake – it should come out dry, with no wet cake mix clinging to it. If it’s not ready, bake for 5-10 mins more and check again. Leave to cool in the tin for 5 mins, then spoon over the citrus syrup. Leave to cool for 10 mins more, then remove from the tin. To freeze, first leave to cool completely, then wrap the cake well. Will keep frozen for up to three months. Mix the 2 tbsp of Hanini Natural Yogurt with the icing sugar to make a thick icing. Spoon this onto the centre of the cake and use the back of a spoon to ease it to the edge (it should drip over the side). Scatter over the flaked almonds and decorate with the fruit slices. Serve warm, or leave to cool completely. Will keep in an airtight tin for up to five days.

Gnocchi with Creamy Tomato & S...

Saħħan iż-żejt f'taġen. Aqli t-tewm sakemm jieħu l-kulur u wara żid il-bott tat-tadam. Żid ftit bżar u melħ u ħallih itektek għal 10 minuti. Żid il-mascarpone u sajjar għal 2 minuti oħra. Sadanittant, għalli l-injokki skont l-istruzzjonijiet tal-pakkett. Żid l-ispinaċi fl-aħħar minuta tat-tisjir. Saffih u erġa' itfgħu fil-borma. Ħallat iz-zalza mal-injokki u ħawwad sewwa. Servi minnufih mal-weraq tal-ħabaq, il-ġobon u jekk trid xerred ftit biċċiet żgħar tal-Pekorin.

Insalata tal-Għaġin Ikkulurita

Cook the pasta until it is still a little al dente (2 mins less than the pack instructions) and drain well. Cook the green beans in simmering water for 2 mins, then rinse in cold water and drain well. Mix the tuna with the Mayor mayonnaise and Hanini yogurt. Add the chives, if using. Tip the pasta into a large glass bowl or four small ones, or four wide-necked jars (useful for taking on picnics). Spoon the tuna dressing over the top of the pasta. Add a layer of green beans, followed by a layer of cherry tomatoes, then the pepper and Mayor sweetcorn. Cover and chill until you’re ready to eat.

Dipp tal-Favetta u c- Cicri

Soak the lentils in water overnight. The next day change the water of the lentils and place in a large pot. Fill the pot with a lot of water and bring to a boil. When the lentils soften remove from the hob and allow to cool. Place the cooled lentils and chickpeas (leaving a few whole chickpeas to use as garnish) in a food processor and amalgamate the mixture. Add the olive oil and lemon juice and continue mixing until you get a smooth mixture. Place the dip in a serving dish and garnish with mint leaves, cherry tomatoes, whole chickpeas and pomegranate seeds. Serve with crunchy Maltese bread or Valletta.

Dipp tal-Avocado

Half the avocado lengthwise and remove the stone. Spoon out the flesh of the avocado. Drain the Mayor Chickpeas and put aside a few whole chickpeas to use as garnish. Place the chickpeas together with the avocado in a food processor and mix until the ingredients are amalgamated. Pour in the olive oil and the lemon juice, season and continue processing until the mixture is smooth. Place in a serving bowl and garnish with the whole chickpeas, sage leaves and paprika.

Servi bil-ħobż u/jew galletti.

Lażanja bir-Ravjul

Saħħan ftit żejt f'taġen. Neħħi l-ġilda miz-zalzett u aqlih sakemm jieħu l-kulur waqt li tfarrku b'mgħarfa tal-injam. Żid il-polpa tat-tadam u nofs bott ilma u ftit bżar u melħ. Ħallih itektek għal 20 minuta. Sadanittant, itfa' l-ispinaċi f'passatur u xerred il-misħun fuq l-ispinaċi. Ħallih jiksaħ u wara neħħi kemm tista' ilma minnu.

Saħħan il-forn b'temperatura ta' 200C jew 180C bil-fann, gass numru 6. Itfa' terz mit-taħlita taz-zalza f'dixx tal-forn (madwar 18 x 20ċm). Wara, żid terz mill-ispinaċi u terz mir-ravjul. Fl-aħħar xerred ftit ġobon maħkuk.

Heat the oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Spoon a third of the sauce into a medium baking dish (about 18 x 20cm). Top with a third of the spinach and a third of the Divini Ravioli, then scatter over some of the Hanini Pekorin Cheese. Repeat the layers twice, making sure the final layer of ravioli is nestled into the sauce. Bake for 35-40 mins until bubbling and hot all the way through. Cover if the top starts to get too dark. Will keep in the freezer for up to two months.

Torta tal-Awrat

Pour the oil in a pan and fry the seabream fillets until cooked well. When ready, let to cool down, clean from all bones and chop into small pieces. In the same pan, cook the garlic, onions, marrows, olives, mixed herbs, tomatoes. When cooked, add the marrowfat peas and anchovies and mix with the seabream. Mix well. Roll out half the pastry, cover a lined oven dish and brush with the beaten egg. Add the seabream filling and cover with the other half of the pastry. Egg wash and sprinkle sesame seeds on top. Bake at 200 ° for around 40 minutes until golden.

Recipe by Mill-Kcina ta’ Pawlina

One-Pan Crispy Chicken, Spaghetti a...

Heat oven to 220°C (Gas Mark 7). Add 1 tablespoon of oil to a large, ovenproof pan and heat over high heat. Season the chicken thighs with salt and pepper, then add to the warm oil, skin-side down. Cook for 7 minutes, without turning, to brown well. Turn the heat down to medium-high, then stir in the onion and turn over the chicken. Cook for 5 minutes, until the onion has softened and is lightly browned. Add the tomato paste, garlic and half the thyme, and cook, stirring the paste into the onions, for 2 minutes, until fragrant and everything is nicely browned. Add the stock, then add the spaghetti, stirring to submerge and evenly distribute. Use tongs to lift the chicken pieces so they sit on top of the spaghetti, skin-side up and add the olives. Bring to a simmer, cover with a lid and transfer to the oven for 30 minutes, until the liquid is absorbed. While the pasta is in the oven, in a small bowl, mix together the Parmesan, breadcrumbs, parsley, lemon zest and remaining thyme. After 30 minutes, remove it from the oven and reset the temperature to a grill setting. Sprinkle the Parmesan breadcrumbs over the pasta and chicken, drizzle with the remaining oil and return to the oven for 3 to 4 minutes, until nicely browned and crisp. Leave to settle for about 5 minutes before serving warm, directly from the pan.

Creamy Stuffed Salmon Fillets with ...

B'sikkina aqta' linja fis-salamun sabiex tagħmel fetħa bħal envelopp. Ferrex il-bżar u l-melħ fuq kull naħa. Imla s-salamun bil-ġobon tat-tursina u l-ispinaċi. Saħħan iż-żejt f'taġen u sajjar is-salamun għal 3-4 minuti sakemm jieħu l-kulur. Poġġih f'dixx tal-forn. Ħawwad flimkien il-frak tal-ħobż, il-qxur tal-larinġa, il-ħabaq, il-pine nuts, bżar u melħ u l-butir l-imdewweb. Idlek is-salamun bit-tadam imqadded u wara ferrex it-taħlita tal-frak tal-ħobż fuq is-salamun. Kompli sajjar għal 8-10 minuti jew skont il-gosti tiegħek. Sadanittant, għalli l-patata f'borma bl-ilma bil-melħ sakemm tirtab. Neħħiha mill-borma, aqsamha min-nofs u poġġiha f'taġen u għattiha sabiex tibqa' sħuna. Fl-istess borma li użajt għall-patata, itfa' l-asparagus jew il-fażola ħadra u osmothom ftit jew sajjarhom skont il-gosti tiegħek. Saffi mill-ilma u żid mal-patata. Itfa' l-butir fit-taġen, żid il-bżar u l-melħ u ħawwad tajjeb.

450g Spagetti

Fill a pot with plenty of water and when the water opens to boil, add some salt and toss the pasta. As long as the pasta is becoming ready for oil and garlic. Take a saucepan and make 8 tablespoons of olive oil. Add the garlic and some salt. Place the saucepan over very low heat and while stirring all the time, cook until the garlic takes color. Turn off the fire. As the pasta has been made, remove from the water and drop it thoroughly. Put it in a large bowl. Add to it the oil with garlic and mix well. Add the remaining peppers, parsley and tablespoons of olive oil. Serve right away.

Lasagna Vegetarjana

Pre-heat the oil in a pan over a medium heat and fry the onion gently for 4-5 minutes until beginning to soften, stirring frequently. Add the garlic and celery and cook for a further 2 minutes. Stir in the red pesto, vegetable stock and tomato passata. Bring to a boil, cover and simmer gently for 10 minutes then stir in the Quorn Mince. Cover and cook for a further 2 minutes. Stir in the basil and oregano and season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Pre-heat a griddle pan over a high heat and chargrill the courgette slices for 1-2 minutes on each side. Combine the ricotta, creme fraiche, nutmeg, salt, pepper and half of the hard cheese in a bowl. In an ovenproof dish arrange a layer of chargrilled courgette slices, cover with the Quorn Mince mix then place a second layer of courgette slices over this. Spoon the ricotta topping over and garnish with the cherry tomatoes, black pepper and the remaining cheese. Bake in an oven pre-heated to 200C/400F/Gas Mark 6 for 20 minutes.


Heat a frying pan over a high heat. Drizzle 4 tbsp of the oil over the slices of aubergine and fry them in several batches for 5-7 mins or until golden brown and beginning to soften. If they look a little dry during cooking, add a dash more olive oil. Set aside on a plate lined with kitchen paper.

Heat 1 tbsp of the oil in a large flameproof casserole dish or saucepan over a medium-high heat. Add the mince and fry for 8-10 mins until a deep golden brown, regularly stirring and breaking up with a wooden spoon. Tip into a bowl and set aside. Add the remaining oil to the casserole. Tip in the onion along with a pinch of salt and fry gently for 10-12 mins or until softened and turning translucent. Add the garlic, oregano, cinnamon, chilli and bay cooking for a further min. Return the lamb to the pan and pour in the red wine, bring to a bubble and reduce the wine by half. Stir through Mayor Tomato Polpa, Three Hills Kunserva (tomato paste) and brown sugar, along with 200ml water. Season. Lower the heat and simmer gently, uncovered, for 20 mins, stirring occasionally until the sauce has thickened.

Heat oven to 200C/180 fan/gas 4. Bring a large pan of lightly salted water to the boil. Add the potato slices and cook for 6 mins, drain in a colander and leave to steam dry for 10 mins.

Melt the butter in a small saucepan, stir in the flour and cook over a medium heat for 1 min. Remove from the heat and whisk in the milk, pouring in a bit at a time, until smooth. Return to the heat and bring to a simmer, cooking for 3 mins. Remove from the heat and whisk through the Hanini Pekorin Mature Cheese, a little grated nutmeg and some seasoning, and finally the whole egg as well as the yolk.

Take a large rectangular ovenproof dish. Spoon a third of the meat into the dish and spread out evenly, followed by half the aubergine and half the potato, then the rest of the meat and another layer of aubergines, followed by potatoes. Finish with the béchamel, smoothing the top over with a palette knife. Put in the centre of the oven and cook for 50 mins or until deep golden brown. If it browns too much during cooking, cover the dish. Set aside for 10 mins to cool before serving.

Welsh Rarebit

Saħħan bil-mod l-ale f'kazzola żgħira. F'kazzola żgħira oħra, dewweb il-butir fuq nar medju, żid id-dqiq u ħawwad kollox flimkien għal minuta. Itfa' l-ale bil-mod il-mod sabiex toħloq zalza magħquda u żid il-ġobon. Maz-zalza, itfa' l-mustarda, il-worchester u l-kurrat u kompli ħawwad. Saħħan il-grilja fuq nar għoli. Poġġi l-biċċiet tal-ħobż fuq karta strazza u griljah fuq naħa waħda sakemm jieħu l-kulur. Aqleb il-ħobż fuq in-naħa l-oħra u idlek il-ħobż bit-taħlita tal-ġobon. Erġa' itfgħu taħt il-grilja u sajjar għal 1-2 minuti oħra jew sakemm jieħu l-kulur. Servi l-ħobż dak il-ħin.

Stuffat tac-Canga

Coat the meat with the flour. In a large pan, heat some olive oil and shallow fry the meat from outside. Place the mean in a casserole dish. In the same pan, cook the onion for 2 minutes and then add the nutmeg, bay leaf, the beer, stock and Kunserva and cook for around 4 minutes. After, pour onion mixture on the meat. Slice the carrots, potatoes, peas and celery and cook on low flame for around 70 minutes. Serve hot with some Maltese bread.