
Celebrity Maltese Chefs and Recipe Enthusiasts

Air Fryer Muffins

Heat the air fryer on 160C for 2 mins. Mix the oil, Hanini yogurt, egg and milk in a large bowl, then fold in the sugar, flour and bicarbonate of soda and combine well. Fold in the blueberries, chocolate chips or dried fruit, if using. Spoon the mixture into silicone cases or an air fryer muffin tin filled with paper cases to three-quarters full. You should be able to make 6-8 muffins, but you may have to bake them in batches.

Place the cases or tin in the air fryer basket and cook for 12-15 mins until the muffins are golden brown and a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean.

Ħobż tal-Banana Vegan

Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Mash 3 large black peeled bananas with a fork, then mix well with 75g vegetable or sunflower oil and 100g brown sugar.

Add 225g plain flour, 3 heaped tsp baking powder and 3 tsp cinnamon or mixed spice, and combine well. Add 50g dried fruit or nuts, if using.

Bake in an oiled, lined 2lb loaf tin for 20 minutes. Check and cover with foil if the cake is browning.

Bake for another 20 minutes, or until a skewer comes out clean.

Allow to cool a little before slicing. It’s delicious freshly baked, but develops a lovely gooey quality the day after.

Sweet Ricotta Stuffed Cannoli Shell...

In a food processor, pulse the flour, sugar and salt. Add the butter and pulse again until there aren’t clumps of butter. Add the marsala wine and whole egg and pulse to mix well (if needed add more marsala wine) to bring the dough together in a soft dough. Shape into a round, cover, and let rest at room temperature for at least 30 minutes and up to 1 hour. Heat the oil in a large deep pot for a temperature of 180c. In the meantime, working with half of the dough at a time, and keeping the other half covered. Roll the dough very thinly onto a well flowered surface. Using a 4 to 4 1/2 inches cookie cutter, cut dough into rounds. Spray lightly the cannoli forms with cooking spray, then wrap these dough rounds around each cannoli form, while brushing about 3/4 inches of one end lightly with the egg white. Press edge of the dough to the opposite side of the dough brushed with the egg white. Carefully immerse 3 or 4 cannoli at a time in the heated oil and fry until golden brown and crisp. This takes about 1 to 2 minutes. ( always check the temperature so that the oil will not burn the cannoli ) Remove from the oil using a metal tong to grasp the cannoli shells ( let oil from inside the forms drain back into the pot ) Transfer onto paper towels to drain. Fold layers of paper towels and wrap a paper towel around the shell to carefully slide from the form. Let the forms to cool and repeat process with the remaining dough circles. At this point one could store these cannoli shells in a sealed box covered with baking paper, then place the cannoli and cover again with baking paper.  

For the filling, in a bowl, mix the Irkotta, icing sugar and whole nuts. Brush some melted chocolate in the inside of the cannoli shells. Dip both sides of the cannoli shells in the melted chocolate and then in the chopped pistachios and let these to dry. Spoon the filling in a piping bag and cut the tip of the piping bag. ( about 3/4 inches down from the tip ) Fill the cannoli shells by piping the filling from both sides of the cannoli shells. Place the filled cannoli on a plate and sift the icing sugar over the ready-made cannoli. Recipe by Tonia Grima

Ġamm tat-Tin

Put the figs and 150ml water in a large heavy based saucepan. Bring to a simmer and gently bubble for 5 mins or until the figs have softened and released their juices. Add the orange zest, sugar and lemon juice. Bring to a boil and cook, stirring regularly for around 5-7 mins or until thick, skimming off any skum that rises to the surface. Remove from the heat and leave to sit for 10 mins.

Ladle the mixture into sterilised jars. Seal with the lids and leave to cool completely. Will keep for six months unopened and 2 weeks in the fridge once opened.

Ħobż f'Erba' Passi Faċli

Itfa' d-dqiq, il-ħmira u l-melħ fi skutella kbira u ħallat kollox flimkien b'idejk. Ħallat flimkien 300ml ilma fietel maż-żejt u l-għasel u żidhom mat-taħlita tad-dqiq sabiex tagħmel għaġina ratba. 
Itfa' ftit dqiq fuq il-wiċċ tal-mejda u agħġinha għal 5 minuti sakemm ma tibqax twaħħal. Jekk ikun hemm bżonn, żid ftit oħra dqiq. Idlek biż-żejt dixx tal-kexxun ta' 900g u poġġi l-għaġina fih.
Għatti d-dixx u ħalli l-għaġina togħla biżżejjed li timla d-dixx għal madwar siegħa. Ara li l-għaġina ma terġax titla' xħin tagħfasha b'subgħajk.
Saħħan il-forn f'temperatura ta' 200C bil-fann jew 180C gass numru 6. Agħmel diversi qatgħat b'sikkina fil-wiċċ tal-ħobż u aħmi għal 30-35 minuta sakemm il-ħobż jogħla u jieħu l-kulur. Oħorġu mid-dixx sabiex tara jekk sarx sew mill-qiegħ. Ħallih jiksaħ.

Red wine poached Pears for Diabetic...

Qaxxar il-lanġas u neħħilu biċċa min-naħa t’isfel biex ikun jista’ jieqaf. Poġġih ġo kazzola żgħira. Żid l-inbid u l-imsiemer tal-qronfol u ilma biżżejjed li jgħatti l-lanġas. Poġġi fuq nar moderat sakemm it-taħlita tifaħ tagħli. Baxxi n-nar u kompli sajjar sakemm isir il-lanġas. Neħħi l-lanġas misjur mill-kazzola u poġġih ġo dixx. Dan il-lanġas jittiekel kemm sħun kif ukoll kiesaħ. Tista’ sservi ftit jogurt light miegħu.

Panini ghal Parties

Chicken Filling – Cook some chicken breast and cut into small pieces. Add some mayonnaise, some soft cheese, fresh parsley, salt and pepper and mix well.

Tonn taż-żejt: Qattar tajjeb miż-żejt żewġ laned tonn taż-żejt. Qegħdu ġo food processor flimkien ma’ basla, tewma, u biċċa bżaru aħdar.

Olive and Feta Cheese – in a blender add 6 tbsp Three Hills Kunserva, 50g black olives, 30g capers and 50g feta cheese. Blend well. You may add some olive oil, or preferably extra virgin olive oil.

Perzut ta' Parma fuq il grissini

This is a super easy recipe and it look nice 😉However it is important that the grissini sticks are long and not broken. Also, choose good quality Italian ham known as Parma ham.

Slice each piece of ham in half and rotate it around the grissini stick. Be careful not to break any.