
Celebrity Maltese Chefs and Recipe Enthusiasts

Aceline Media Recipes

Recipes prepared by chefs at and as seen live on Aroma Kitchen.

Recipe credit Aceline - for more visit

Recipe Photos Credit - Aaron Borda

Stuffed Soft Flour Tortillas Baked ...

Ftit weraq tal-insalata

Fry the onion , garlic, chili and red pepper in oil till soft. Remove off the heat and stir in the sweetcorn, parsley, 100g grated Cheddar cheese and season with salt and pepper. Add in the tuna and double cream and mix together well. Use this mixture to fill the tortillas like cannelloni. Drizzle a little oil into a baking tray and lay over the stuffed tortillas. Mix the paprika with the béchamel sauce and spread over the tortillas. Sprinkle over the remaining grated Cheddar cheese and bake in the oven at 200°C for 10-15 minutes or until golden brown. To serve, drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle over the diced tomatoes and serve with the salad leaves on top.

Stuffat tal-Qarnit

Sajjar il-qarnit fiż-żejt taż-żebbuġa għal minuta jew tnejn. Itfa' l-ħaxix u l-ħwawar u kompli sajjar għal 2 minuti oħra. Qaxxar il-larinġa u żid il-qoxra mal-qarnit. Agħsar il-meraq tagħha u żidu wkoll flimkien mal-kunserva. Itfa' l-patata l-ħelwa, u għattih bl-istokk u ħallih jagħli. Għattih u ħallih itektek fuq nar baxx għal madwar 35 minuta. Issa itfa' ċ-ċiċri, il-piżelli, il-kosbor u l-meraq tal-lumi. Servi l-qarnit bi flieli tal-lumi aħdar, kosbor u ħobż mixwi.

Vegetarian Tacos with Sour Cream an...

Saħħan iż-żejt f'taġen u aqli l-basal u l-bżaru aħmar għal 4 minuti. Żid l-ikkapuljat u sajjar għal 2 minuti qabel ma żżid il-pakkett tal-ħwawar. Ħawwad kollox flimkien u żid ftit mgħaref ilma u sajjar fuq nar baxx għal 5-6 minuti. Sadanittant, ħallat flimkien il-krema friska u l-meraq tal-lumi u poġġiha fil-friġġ. Hekk kif ikun sar, itfi n-nar u żid il-fażola ħamra u l-kosbor. Sabiex isservi, saħħan il-forom tat-tacos u imlihom bit-taħlita tal-laħam. Fil-wiċċ, żid biċċiet żgħar tal-avokado u ferrex ftit krema.

Minted Felafel Couscous Salad with ...

Start this recipe by making the falafel. Mash the chickpeas in a bowl and mix in the onion, garlic, mint, parsley, egg yolk, flour and season with salt and pepper.  Mix to a paste, adding in a little breadcrumb if to soft. Allow to sit in the fridge for 15 minutes before forming into patties and coat in the breadcrumbs. When ready, either shallow fry or place on a baking tray, drizzle with olive oil and bake in the oven at 200°C for 10-12 minutes. Meanwhile, make up the lemon couscous with hot water and allow to absorb. When ready, mix in the roasted pepper, cucumber, pistachios and salad leaves and spoon into 2 deep serving plates. Lay the falafel on top and spoon the mustard BBq sauce into 2 small bowls and serve on the side in the salad plates.

Għads bil-Kari u ċ-Ċiċri

Saħħan iż-żejt u aqli l-basla, it-tewm, il-felfel u l-ġinġer għal 2-3 minuti. Żid il-ħwawar u sajjar għal minuta. Itfa' l-għads, il-ħalib, il-polpa, il-melħ u nofs tazza ilma. Ħallih sakemm jagħli u ħallih itektek għal 20 minuta sabiex isir l-għads. Kif ikun lest, ara jekk hemmx bżonn iżżid ftit ilma u żid iċ-ċiċri. Qabel isservi, ħawwad il-kosbor frisk mat-taħlita u servih mar-ross u l-flieli tal-lumi.

One-Pan Crispy Chicken, Spaghetti a...

Heat oven to 220°C (Gas Mark 7). Add 1 tablespoon of oil to a large, ovenproof pan and heat over high heat. Season the chicken thighs with salt and pepper, then add to the warm oil, skin-side down. Cook for 7 minutes, without turning, to brown well. Turn the heat down to medium-high, then stir in the onion and turn over the chicken. Cook for 5 minutes, until the onion has softened and is lightly browned. Add the tomato paste, garlic and half the thyme, and cook, stirring the paste into the onions, for 2 minutes, until fragrant and everything is nicely browned. Add the stock, then add the spaghetti, stirring to submerge and evenly distribute. Use tongs to lift the chicken pieces so they sit on top of the spaghetti, skin-side up and add the olives. Bring to a simmer, cover with a lid and transfer to the oven for 30 minutes, until the liquid is absorbed. While the pasta is in the oven, in a small bowl, mix together the Parmesan, breadcrumbs, parsley, lemon zest and remaining thyme. After 30 minutes, remove it from the oven and reset the temperature to a grill setting. Sprinkle the Parmesan breadcrumbs over the pasta and chicken, drizzle with the remaining oil and return to the oven for 3 to 4 minutes, until nicely browned and crisp. Leave to settle for about 5 minutes before serving warm, directly from the pan.

Creamy Stuffed Salmon Fillets with ...

B'sikkina aqta' linja fis-salamun sabiex tagħmel fetħa bħal envelopp. Ferrex il-bżar u l-melħ fuq kull naħa. Imla s-salamun bil-ġobon tat-tursina u l-ispinaċi. Saħħan iż-żejt f'taġen u sajjar is-salamun għal 3-4 minuti sakemm jieħu l-kulur. Poġġih f'dixx tal-forn. Ħawwad flimkien il-frak tal-ħobż, il-qxur tal-larinġa, il-ħabaq, il-pine nuts, bżar u melħ u l-butir l-imdewweb. Idlek is-salamun bit-tadam imqadded u wara ferrex it-taħlita tal-frak tal-ħobż fuq is-salamun. Kompli sajjar għal 8-10 minuti jew skont il-gosti tiegħek. Sadanittant, għalli l-patata f'borma bl-ilma bil-melħ sakemm tirtab. Neħħiha mill-borma, aqsamha min-nofs u poġġiha f'taġen u għattiha sabiex tibqa' sħuna. Fl-istess borma li użajt għall-patata, itfa' l-asparagus jew il-fażola ħadra u osmothom ftit jew sajjarhom skont il-gosti tiegħek. Saffi mill-ilma u żid mal-patata. Itfa' l-butir fit-taġen, żid il-bżar u l-melħ u ħawwad tajjeb.

Mussels u Għaġin bil-Coconut

Put the mussels into a large bowl and cover with cold water. Debeard them by pulling any bits up towards the top of the shell, and then out. Discard any unopened or cracked shells. Put the orzo into a bowl and cover with boiling water. Set aside for 15 minutes, then drain and rinse. Meanwhile, put the butter and oil into a large lidded pan and place on medium-low heat. Once melted, add the shallot, garlic, yellow pepper, chili and salt. Fry for 8 minutes, stirring often, until the shallot and garlic are soft and fragrant. Do not leave them to crisp or brown too much. Increase the heat to medium and add the tomatoes, tomato paste and saffron. Stir-fry for 2 minutes, then stir in the coconut milk and simmer for 3 minutes. Add the orzo to the stew and layer the mussels on top. Cover with a lid and turn the heat all the way down. Cook for 5 minutes, or until the shells have opened. Squeeze plenty of lemon juice and finish with the chili oil.