
Celebrity Maltese Chefs and Recipe Enthusiasts

Lasagna Vegetarjana

Pre-heat the oil in a pan over a medium heat and fry the onion gently for 4-5 minutes until beginning to soften, stirring frequently. Add the garlic and celery and cook for a further 2 minutes. Stir in the red pesto, vegetable stock and tomato passata. Bring to a boil, cover and simmer gently for 10 minutes then stir in the Quorn Mince. Cover and cook for a further 2 minutes. Stir in the basil and oregano and season to taste with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Pre-heat a griddle pan over a high heat and chargrill the courgette slices for 1-2 minutes on each side. Combine the ricotta, creme fraiche, nutmeg, salt, pepper and half of the hard cheese in a bowl. In an ovenproof dish arrange a layer of chargrilled courgette slices, cover with the Quorn Mince mix then place a second layer of courgette slices over this. Spoon the ricotta topping over and garnish with the cherry tomatoes, black pepper and the remaining cheese. Bake in an oven pre-heated to 200C/400F/Gas Mark 6 for 20 minutes.


Heat a frying pan over a high heat. Drizzle 4 tbsp of the oil over the slices of aubergine and fry them in several batches for 5-7 mins or until golden brown and beginning to soften. If they look a little dry during cooking, add a dash more olive oil. Set aside on a plate lined with kitchen paper.

Heat 1 tbsp of the oil in a large flameproof casserole dish or saucepan over a medium-high heat. Add the mince and fry for 8-10 mins until a deep golden brown, regularly stirring and breaking up with a wooden spoon. Tip into a bowl and set aside. Add the remaining oil to the casserole. Tip in the onion along with a pinch of salt and fry gently for 10-12 mins or until softened and turning translucent. Add the garlic, oregano, cinnamon, chilli and bay cooking for a further min. Return the lamb to the pan and pour in the red wine, bring to a bubble and reduce the wine by half. Stir through Mayor Tomato Polpa, Three Hills Kunserva (tomato paste) and brown sugar, along with 200ml water. Season. Lower the heat and simmer gently, uncovered, for 20 mins, stirring occasionally until the sauce has thickened.

Heat oven to 200C/180 fan/gas 4. Bring a large pan of lightly salted water to the boil. Add the potato slices and cook for 6 mins, drain in a colander and leave to steam dry for 10 mins.

Melt the butter in a small saucepan, stir in the flour and cook over a medium heat for 1 min. Remove from the heat and whisk in the milk, pouring in a bit at a time, until smooth. Return to the heat and bring to a simmer, cooking for 3 mins. Remove from the heat and whisk through the Hanini Pekorin Mature Cheese, a little grated nutmeg and some seasoning, and finally the whole egg as well as the yolk.

Take a large rectangular ovenproof dish. Spoon a third of the meat into the dish and spread out evenly, followed by half the aubergine and half the potato, then the rest of the meat and another layer of aubergines, followed by potatoes. Finish with the béchamel, smoothing the top over with a palette knife. Put in the centre of the oven and cook for 50 mins or until deep golden brown. If it browns too much during cooking, cover the dish. Set aside for 10 mins to cool before serving.

Welsh Rarebit

Saħħan bil-mod l-ale f'kazzola żgħira. F'kazzola żgħira oħra, dewweb il-butir fuq nar medju, żid id-dqiq u ħawwad kollox flimkien għal minuta. Itfa' l-ale bil-mod il-mod sabiex toħloq zalza magħquda u żid il-ġobon. Maz-zalza, itfa' l-mustarda, il-worchester u l-kurrat u kompli ħawwad. Saħħan il-grilja fuq nar għoli. Poġġi l-biċċiet tal-ħobż fuq karta strazza u griljah fuq naħa waħda sakemm jieħu l-kulur. Aqleb il-ħobż fuq in-naħa l-oħra u idlek il-ħobż bit-taħlita tal-ġobon. Erġa' itfgħu taħt il-grilja u sajjar għal 1-2 minuti oħra jew sakemm jieħu l-kulur. Servi l-ħobż dak il-ħin.

Stuffat tac-Canga

Coat the meat with the flour. In a large pan, heat some olive oil and shallow fry the meat from outside. Place the mean in a casserole dish. In the same pan, cook the onion for 2 minutes and then add the nutmeg, bay leaf, the beer, stock and Kunserva and cook for around 4 minutes. After, pour onion mixture on the meat. Slice the carrots, potatoes, peas and celery and cook on low flame for around 70 minutes. Serve hot with some Maltese bread.

Imqarrun il-Forn

Sajjar l-imqarrun skont l-istruzzjonijiet tal-pakkett. Sadanittant, f'taġen aqli l-basal fi 3 mgħaref żejt. Żid it-tewm, il-karrotti, bżar u melħ u kompli aqli u ħawwad kull tant ħin. Żid l-ikkapuljat u sajjar sakemm il-laħam ikun kważi sar. Żid l-istokk tat-tiġieġ flimkien ma' tazza u nofs ilma u ħawwad kollox flimkien. Żid il-kunserva u l-piżelli u ħawwad. Itfi n-nar. Saffi l-għaġin u ħallat il-bajd miegħu flimkien mal-ġobon maħkuk. Itfa' z-zalza mal-għaġin u ħawwad tajjeb. Itfa' l-għaġin f'dixx fond tal-forn. Ferrex ftit paprika fil-wiċċ u ftit żejt. Aħmi fuq l-ixkaffa tan-nofs tal-forn f'temperatura ta' 200 C sakemm il-wiċċ jieħu l-kulur. Bejn wieħed u ieħor idum madwar 35 - 45 minuta.

Meatloaf with Tomato Sauce

Heat the oil in a frying pan and add the onion, cook for 4-5 mins over a low heat, then stir in the garlic. Leave to cool completely. To make the tomato sauce, heat the oil in a saucepan and fry the onion, carrot and celery for 3-4 mins, then add the garlic and cook for a minute. Add the Three Hills Kunserva with Basil & Garlic and bring to a simmer, then season and cook for 5 mins.

Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4. Mix the cooled onion with the Three Hills Kunserva Traditional Tube, mince, egg and breadcrumbs, and season. Line a 900g loaf tin with a liner or baking parchment and pack in the meatloaf mixture. Cook for 20-25 mins or until a skewer poked into the centre feels roasting hot when pulled out. Leave to rest for 10 mins before lifting out of the tin. Serve slices of the meatloaf with some tomato sauce spooned over. Wrap any remaining meatloaf and use it as a sandwich filling for a lunchbox. Can be frozen for up to a month.

Cocktail tal-Gambli

Qaxxar il-gambli kollha minbarra 4 (dawn ħallihom sabiex iżżejjen fl-aħħar). Iftaħ il-ħass u qassmu f'4 tazzi wisgħin. Itfa' l-gambli fuq il-ħass u żid il-bżar. Ħallat flimkien il-mayonnaise, iċ-chutney tat-tadam, worcester sauce, horseradish u l-hot pepper sauce flimkien. Żid il-meraq tal-lumi, bżar u melħ. Ferrex din it-taħlita fuq il-gambli. Roxx ftit paprika u kurrat. Fil-wiċċ poġġi l-gambli li warrabt fil-bidu u servi minnufih. Tista' sservi ma' ħobż ismar.

Torta tal -Pastizzi

Preheat the oven to 180°c. In a medium-size bowl mix ricotta, grated gibna roll, pecorino, grana, beans, raisins, pepper, parsley & 3 eggs together. Set aside. Roll out around 400g of short crust pastry. Transfer dough to a 30cm pie dish, gently fit into the dish and trim the edges. Beat an egg and brush the dough with it. This creates a seal. Gently spread the ricotta mixture and fold the edges. Place 6 large (still frozen) pastizzi and 6 party size ones to create the ‘crust’ Make sure to cover most of the surface. Add a tablespoon of milk to the remaining beaten egg and mix well. Brush the surface completely and bake until golden brown. This should take between an hour to 75mins.

Creamy Mushroom & Bacon Raviol...

Sajjar ir-ravjul tal-irkotta tad-Divini skont l-istruzzjonijiet tal-pakkett. Saffih u poġġi fil-ġenb. Saħħan iż-żejt f'taġen fuq nar medju-għoli. Żid il-biċċiet tal-bejken u sajjar għal 2-3 minuti jew sakemm jieħu l-kulur. Żid il-faqqiegħ u sajjar għal 2-3 minuti oħra. Żid il-bżar u l-krema u sajjar għal 2-3 minuti u ħawwad kollox flimkien. Ferrex il-ġobon maħkuk u ħawwad sew. Żid issa r-ravjul fiz-zalza u ħawwad kollox. Jekk iz-zalza tiġu magħquda, itfa' ftit misħun jew ftit stokk tat-tiġieġ. Servi r-ravjul bi ftit kurrat frisk fil-wiċċ.

Chilli Veġetarjan

Saħħan iż-żejt f'taġen kbir fuq nar baxx-medju u aqli l-karrotti, il-karfus, il-basal u l-ħwawar għal 10-12 minuti, billi tħawwad kontinwament sakemm il-ħaxix jirtab. Itfa' t-tewm u l-bżari tal-kulur u sajjar għal 5 minuti oħra sakemm jibdew jirtabu. Żid iċ-chili u l-paprika, għolli n-nar, ħawwad u sajjar għal minuta. Itfa' l-kunserva u sajjar għal minuta oħra. Itfa' l-fażola kollha, il-polpa u l-istokk tal-ħaxix. Ħawwad tajjeb, ħallih jagħli, baxxi n-nar u ħallih itektek. Sajjar għal 25-35 minuta sakemm il-fażola tirtab u z-zalza tgħaqqad ftit. Servi mar-ross, ġobon cheddar maħkuk u jekk tiggosta krema qarsa.

Alexandrina’s Tart

For the pasty, in a food processor, pulse together the flour, sugar, butter and salt. Add the beaten eggs and form a dough. Wrap this dough in cling film and place it in the fridge for about 2 hours.

For the filling, in a bowl mash the Irkotta and mix with it the chocolate, 6 tbsp sugar, hazelnuts and cherries. In another bowl mix the breadcrumbs, lemon zest and juice, milk, 6 tbsp sugar, eggs and coconut.

To assemble tart, line 2 cake tins 25cm by 18cm. Cut the pastry in two and roll each piece on a lightly floured surface. Roll it open enough to cover the bottom and sides of the tins. Prick the bottom with a fork and place the two tins in the fridge for about 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 200c. Cover the dough bottom and sides with baking paper and weigh it down with dried beans or rice and bake for about 12 minutes. Remove the baking paper with the beans or rice and bake for another 8 to 10 minutes. Remove from the oven and let them cool a little. Trim the edges. Divide the irkotta mix between the 2 tins and spread it evenly over the pastry. Mix the bread mix and bake for another 30 to 40 minutes. Let the tarts cool completely and place them in the fridge. For the topping, whip together the ingredients for the topping until forming a thick consistency.

To decorate, cover the top of the tart with cream leaving some to do the design on top. One could also spread some crispy dried fruits or spread some melted chocolate. Keep this tart in the fridge.

Tiġieġ bil-Kuskus

Idlek it-tiġieġ bil-ħwawar u ftit melħ sakemm jinksew għal kollox. Saħħan mgħarfa żejt f'taġen bil-għatu. Aqli t-tiġieġ min-naħa tal-ġilda għal 10 minuti sakemm jieħu l-kulur. Dawwar u sajjar għal 2 minuti oħra qabel ma tneħħih mit-taġen. Itfa' l-kumplament taż-żejt fit-taġen u aqli l-basal u t-tewm għal 8 minuti sakemm jieħdu l-kulur. Itfa' u ħawwad il-kumplament tal-ħwawar u sajjar għal minuta oħra. Dewweb mgħarfa mill-istokk fil-misħun u żidu mat-taġen. Żid iż-żebbuġ l-aħdar. Ħallih jagħli, itfi n-nar u poġġi t-tiġieġ bin-naħa tal-ġilda 'l fuq fl-istokk. Għatti t-taġen b'għatu, u ħallih itektek għal 35-40 minuta. Għalli l-kitla, tella' t-tiġieġ fi platt u żomm sħun. Neħħi t-taġen minn fuq in-nar. Itfa' l-meraq tal-lumi u l-kuskus fiz-zalza tal-basal fit-taġen u żid bil-misħun sakemm tgħatti l-kuskus. Erġa' għatti t-taġen u ħallih joqgħod għal 5 minuti sakemm il-kuskus ikun sar. Żid nofs it-tursin u l-qoxra tal-lumija, u poġġi t-tiġieġ fil-wiċċ. Qabel isservi, ferrex il-kumplament tat-tursin u l-meraq tal-lumi.

Shakshuka with Toasted Turmeric See...

Start by frying together the onion and garlic with the olive oil and soften together for 4 minutes. Add in the red pepper and spices, season with salt and pepper and cook for another 3 minutes. Tip in the tin of cherry tomatoes and add in a pinch of salt. Bring to the boil, lower the heat and cook for another 10 minutes. When ready, make 4 wells in the sauce and crack in the 4 eggs, making sure not to break the yolks. Place on the lid, or alternatively place into the oven and cook for 4-5 minutes. Meanwhile, cut 4 slices of the turmeric and seed bread, drizzle generously with olive oil and toast in a hot pan on both sides. To serve, crumble over the feta cheese and sprinkle over the fresh chopped herbs. Serve with the toasted turmeric and seed bread on the side.

Mussels u Għaġin bil-Coconut

Put the mussels into a large bowl and cover with cold water. Debeard them by pulling any bits up towards the top of the shell, and then out. Discard any unopened or cracked shells. Put the orzo into a bowl and cover with boiling water. Set aside for 15 minutes, then drain and rinse. Meanwhile, put the butter and oil into a large lidded pan and place on medium-low heat. Once melted, add the shallot, garlic, yellow pepper, chili and salt. Fry for 8 minutes, stirring often, until the shallot and garlic are soft and fragrant. Do not leave them to crisp or brown too much. Increase the heat to medium and add the tomatoes, tomato paste and saffron. Stir-fry for 2 minutes, then stir in the coconut milk and simmer for 3 minutes. Add the orzo to the stew and layer the mussels on top. Cover with a lid and turn the heat all the way down. Cook for 5 minutes, or until the shells have opened. Squeeze plenty of lemon juice and finish with the chili oil.

Noodles bil-Coconut

Saħħan il-forn f'temperatura ta' 200°C/180°C fuq il-fann jew gass numru 6. Prepara dixx fond tal-forn bl-għatu. Jekk m'għandekx għatu, uża ftit foil. Saħħan iż-żejt fih fuq nar baxx u aqli l-coconut l-imfarrak għal 3-4 minuti jew sakemm jieħu ftit kulur (ibqa' miegħu għaliex faċli jinħaraq). Żid iz-zalzett, it-tewm, iż-żagħfran tal-Indja (turmeric), il-bżar, is-sauce tal-ħut, iż-żejt tal-ġunġlien, il-melħ, il-weraq tar-rand, il-ħalib tal-coconut u l-kunserva mielħa. Żid in-nar u ħawwad kollox flimkien. Aqsam in-noodles min-nofs b'idejk u ferrex fit-taħlita tal-coconut. Żid it-tiġieġ u għaddsu fit-taħlita flimkien man-noodles. Għatti bl-għatu u sajjar fil-forn għal madwar 30-35 minuta, jew sakemm it-tiġieġ u n-noodles ikunu saru sew. Qassam fi platti fondi u servi bil-weraq tal-kosbor u jekk tiggosta ftit flieli tal-lumi.

Fenek il-forn bil-Gin

Poġġi l-fenek f'dixx tal-forn u idilku biz-zlazi tal-BBQ u l-ketchup. Żid l-istokk, it-tewm imqatta', il-basla, il-ħwawar in-nexfin u t-tursin. Ferrex iż-żejt taż-żebbuġa, żid il-gin u itfa' ftit bżar. Għattih bil-foil u sajjar f'temperatura ta' 200 C għal siegħa. Neħħi l-foil u kompli sajjar għal 15-il minuta oħra viċin il-grilja sabiex jieħu iżjed kulur u jiġi jqarmeċ.

Mafaldina Pasta with Bacon & B...

Add diced onions to a pan and fry in its own oil for 2 minutes. Add the bacon, broad beans, parsley, spoon stock and pepper and cook for a further 2 minutes. Finally add the Provista sugu and let simmer for another 15 minutes on low flame. Add the drained pasta to the pan, mix, and cook for a further 3 minutes in the sauce. Serve hot. Recipe by Mill-Kcina ta’ Pawlina

Għaġin bl-Ispinaċi u l-Irkotta

Cook the pasta following pack instructions until al dente, about 12 mins. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a frying pan over a medium heat and cook the garlic and leeks for 5 mins, stirring until soft. Add the spinach, cover and cook for 3 mins more until wilted. Stir well. Mix the Hanini Fresh Irkotta with the milk, Hanini Pekorin cheese and nutmeg. Drain the pasta (reserving a mugful of the water) and add in pan. Pour over the ricotta mixture and toss well to combine. Add 3-4 tbsp of the reserved pasta water to loosen a little, then serve.

Dhansak bil-Coconut u l-Qargħa ħamra

Saħħan iż-żejt f'taġen kbir. Itfa' l-qargħa ħamra f'kontenitur bi ftit ilma. Għattiha u saħħan fil-microwave fuq temperatura għolja għal 10 minuti jew sakemm tirtab. Sadanittant żid il-basal fit-taġen u sajjar għal ftit minuti sakemm jirtab. Żid il-kari, il-polpa u l-ħalib u ħallih itektek għal 10 minuti sakemm tagħqad iz-zalza. Saħħan il-ħobż fil-forn f'temperatura baxxa. Neħħi xi ilma mill-qargħa ħamra u żidha mat-taħlita flimkien mal-għazz, l-ispinaċi u bżar u melħ. Ħallih itektek għal 2-3 minuti oħra sakemm tinxtorob ftit l-ispinaċi u wara żid il-yogurt u ħawwad. Servi bil-ħobż naan sħun u ftit yogurt.

Trill fil-Forn

Heat the oven to a temperature of 1800C, gass number 4. Clean the fish well. You may ask the fishmonger to clean the fish for you. Place in an oven dish. Drizzle some olive oil and lemon juice. Add some salt and pepper and cook in oven for around 20 to 25 minutes. Half way through the cooking time, rotate the fish. Serve immediately with some grilled vegetables and lemon slices.

Salamun bil-Klin

Heat the oven at 1800C or gass number 4. Place salmon on a clean surface and cover well with pepper from both sides. Place in an oven dish, add the rosemary and some sea salt. Cook in oven for around 35 minutes. Serve with some roasted potatoes and fresh vegetables.

Minestra tal-Ħaxix

In a large pot, pour the oil and fry the onion and garlic, add the Kunserva and cook for another minute. Add all the vegetables and lightly cook for a couple of minutes. Add the water, season, and bring to boil. Simmer on a low flame for around 40 minutes. Serve with Ħanini Ġibna slices.

Pumpkin and Sweetcorn Soup with Fet...

Preheat the oven to 190°C (Gas Mark 5). Toss the pumpkin wedges with 1 tablespoon of the oil in the oven bag. Make a slit in each shallot and garlic and tuck into the bag together with the rosemary. Put the bag on a roasting tin and toast for 20-25 minutes. Take the oven bag out of the oven and carefully give everything a shake. Return to the oven for another 15-20 minutes. Discard the rosemary and, when cool enough, peel the shallots and garlic cloves, discarding the skins. Transfer the contents of the bag into a saucepan, with all the remaining juices and spice mix. To the vegetables, add the sherry, tomatoes and tomato paste, and keep stirring. Add the stock and all but a small handful of sweetcorn to the pan. Bring to a simmer. Reduce heat so that the liquid bubbles gently, half cover with a lid and leave to simmer for 15-20 minutes. Blend everything in the pan with a hand blender. Once smooth, add a squeeze of lime juice, check for seasoning and adjust accordingly. Serve in bowls, topped with the reserved raw sweetcorn, sliced chili, crumbled feta and the coriander leaves.

Ombre Lemon and Poppy Seed Pancake ...

Place the ricotta, icing sugar and vanilla in a bowl and mix together until smooth. Place into the fridge to chill. For the pancakes, sift the flour and baking powder into a bowl and stir in the salt, sugar. poppy seeds and lemon zest. Place milk, eggs and vanilla into a bowl and whisk together. Pour the liquids into the flour mixture along with three tablespoons of melted butter and whisk together until smooth. Heat a little extra butter in a small pan and fry 2 pancakes. Take a small amount of batter, adding in more pink and lilac colouring to the batter each time. When the pancakes are all cooked and cooled down, layer on a serving dish with the ricotta filling, decorate the top with the fresh berries and a dusting of the icing sugar.

Aubergine, Beef & Ġbejna Fatt...

Preheat oven to 200°C (Gas Mark 6). Split open the pitta breads and cut them into nacho-sized triangles. Transfer the cut pitta triangles onto a baking dish and toast for 12 minutes. Set them aside.

Warm the oil in a heavy-based saucepan and cook the onion on low heat for 7 minutes, until caramelized. Lower the heat and stir in the aubergines and cook until soft. Add the paprika, cumin, coriander, salt and pepper. Add the minced beef and cook for 10-15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until cooked through. Take off the heat and set aside.

In a heatproof bowl, combine the Greek yoghurt, ġbejniet, tahini, lemon, garlic and salt. In a smaller saucepan, pour some water, enough to come up 3cm up the sides. When the water is simmering, reduce heat to low and place the yoghurt-filled heatproof bowl over the saucepan (bain marie). Using a whisk, beat well until the mixture is warm and smooth. Take off the heat.
On a large plate, arrange the pitta triangles and top them with the beef and aubergine mixture. Pour the yoghurt mixture over the beef and aubergine. Top with the cranberries, pistachios and mint. Serve.

Gibanica Ghawdxija

F'kontenitur kbir, itfa' l-ġbejniet friski u farrak il-ġobon il-Grieg u ħallat kollox flimkien. Żid it-tursin, il-bajd imħabbat, il-yogurt, il-ħalib, l-ilma tal-gass u żid il-bżar u l-melħ. Warrab it-taħlita għall-ġenb. Sadanittant, dewweb il-butir u żidu maż-żejt. Poġġi 2 strixxi tal-għaġina f'dixx fond tal-forn. Idlek il-wiċċ tal-għaġina bit-taħlita tal-butir u ż-żejt. Farrak strixxa tal-għaġina u għaddiha mit-taħlita tal-ġobon u l-bajd. Poġġiha fid-dixx u kompli b'dan il-metodu sakemm tgħatti d-dixx kollu. Fil-wiċċ, żid il-kumplament tat-taħlita. Għatti kollox b'2-3 strixxi tal-għaġina u idlikhom bit-taħlita tal-butir u ż-żejt. Sajjar għal madwar 40 minuta f'forn imsaħħan diġa f'temperatura ta' 180°c sakemm tieħu l-kulur.


Grease a loaf tin, or else line it with moistened baking paper. Roll out the pastry quite thinly on a lightly floured surface and line the loaf tin with it. Leave some pastry for the top. Preheat the oven 1800C, gas mark 4. Cut a number of thin slices of sponge cake and spread some apricot jam on them. Use these slices to cover the bottom and sides of the pastry, jam side facing the pastry. Put the ricotta in a mixing bowl.  Add the sugar and liqueur and mix well until you have a creamy texture. Quarter the cherries and add them, together with the vanilla essence and the grated lemon rind, to the ricotta mixture.  Mix well. Cut some more slices of sponge cake. Fill the loaf tin with the ricotta mixture.  Smooth the top and cover it with the sponge cake slices.  Spread some more jam on them. Moisten the edges of the pastry with a little water and cover with the remaining pastry.  Seal well and trim the edges. Make some slits in the top, brush with beaten egg and bake for around 60 minutes. Leave the Sinizza to cool completely before removing it from the tin and slicing it.

Torta tat-Tuffieħ

Prepare the sweet shortcrust pastry. Preheat the oven 1800C, gas mark 4. On a lightly floured surface, roll out the pastry thinly and line a 24cm diameter, non-stick baking dish with it. If possible, use a loose bottomed tin. This will make it easier to remove the baked tart later on. If you will be using baking paper, moisten it slightly before lining the tin. Press the pastry lightly and firmly all over the base and sides of the tin, easing any overlapping pastry back down the sides, as it is important not to stretch this bit too much. Trim the edges, leaving a small edge of pastry sticking over the edge of the baking dish to allow for shrinkage in the oven. Prick the pastry’s bottom and sides a few times with a fork. Core, peel and slice the apples according to your taste. Place the sliced apples in a mixing bowl. Add the sugar, cinnamon, cloves, lemon rind and sultanas and mix well. Fill the baking dish with the apple mixture. Moisten the edges of the pastry with a little water. Cover completely the top with the remaining pastry, or else cut the pastry in strips and form a grid with them. Seal well and trim the edges of the tart. Make some slits in the top and brush with beaten egg. Bake for around 50 minutes, until the pastry gets a rich, golden colour.

Swiss Roll tac-Cikkulata

Warm the oven at 235C, gas number 8. Sieve the flour together with the chocolate powder. Grease a rectangular dish, of 45cm long by 38cm wide, with a little margarine and cover the bottom with a piece of baking paper. Put the eggs, sugar and vanilla essence in an electric mixer and work until the mixture turns white and thickens like a cream. You can also use an electric hand beater. Add the glycerin and continue to mix. Gradually add the flour little by little to the mixture while beating all the time. IMPORTANT: NEVER throw in all the flour at once! Pour the mixture into the prepared dish and see that its height is the same allover. Cook for about 4-5 minutes. Take the sponge out of the oven, remove it from the dish and place it face down on a napkin until it cools. For the filling: Put 2 jars of fresh cream or half of the UHT cream in a bowl and stir well. UHT cream is better to fill the Swiss roll. Cover the sponge with this cream and roll it. Place the Swiss roll in the fridge for at least two hours. In the meantime. melt the chocolate in the microwave or a bain-marie. It is very important that neither water nor steam come into contact with the chocolate and that you do not cover it whilst melting. If you use chocolate that is button-shaped and not block-shaped, it will melt much faster. Place the remaining 2 jars of fresh cream or UHT cream in a saucepan and heat over a moderate heat. Add the melted chocolate and mix well. Remove from the heat and let the mixture cool. Beat the cold cream well with an electric hand beater or mixer. Take the Swiss roll out of the fridge, place it on a large, oblong plate and cover it with this cream. Put it back in the fridge for at least two hours. Take out of the fridge and scratch the surface of the chocolate with a fork to make it look like a tree trunk (see photo). Sprinkle some icing sugar on top and decorate with Christmas decorations.

Ricotta Cheese & Pea Filp Tort...

Saħħan il-forn f'temperatura ta' 200`C. Idlek dixx tond tat-torti ta' 26ċm bi ftit żejt taż-żebbuġa. Poġġi 4 strixxi għaġina madwar id-dixx kollu (idlek kull waħda bi ftit żejt) b'tali mod li jkollok in-naħat kollha mgħottija u jkollok ftit żejda mat-truf. F'kazzola, itfa' t-trab tas-soppa ma' 300ml ħalib u saħħan sakemm tiġi magħquda billi tħawwad kontinwament. Neħħiha minn fuq in-nar. F'kontenitur kbir, għaffeġ il-piżelli b'furketta. Żid l-irkotta u s-soppa u ħallat kollox flimkien. Itfa' din it-taħlita fid-dixx tat-torta, itwi ż-żejjed tal-għaġina fuq it-taħlita u idlek bil-kumplament taż-żejt. Żejjen il-wiċċ tat-torta biż-żewġ strixxi tal-għaġina li jkun fadal u erġa' idlek bi ftit oħra żejt. Ferrex il-ġunġlien fil-wiċċ u sajjar it-torta f'temperatura ta' 200`C għal madwar 30 minuta sakemm isir il-mili u l-għaġina tieħu l-kulur. Oħroġha mill-forn u ħalliha toqgħod għal 15-il minuta qabel ma tneħħiha mid-dixx u sservi.

Stuffed Chicken Legs with a Fresh G...

Take a sharp knife and carefully go round the chicken leg bone, scraping off the meat from the bone and carefully pushing the meat away every time. Chop off the bone away right before coming at the jaw. Repeat for all 4 legs. Take a mixing bowl, skin off the sausage meat, mix together with the sage leaves, parsley & cheese. Push the sausage meat into the chicken cavity, rolling the skin over to cover the filling.

Flan tal-Panedispanja Mimlija bl-Irkotta

Ipprepara l-flan tal-panedispanja skont ir-riċetta. Itfa' l-irkotta u z-zokkor f'kontenitur kbir u għaffiġhom sewwa sakemm it-taħlita tiġi kremuża. Jekk tara li l-irkotta ġiet pjuttost xotta, tista' żżid ftit ħalib jew krema. Warrab żewġ jew tliet imgħaref mill-irkotta sabiex iżżejjen. Żid il-frott konfettura u l-biċċiet taċ-ċikkulata mat-taħlita tal-irkotta u ħawwad kollox flimkien. Żid il-qoxra tal-lumija u n-noċimuskata u erġa' ħawwad kollox. Poġġi l-flan tal-panedispanja f'dixx kbir u ċatt u xarrab il-wiċċ tagħha b'xarba tal-gosti tiegħek. Imliha bit-taħlita tal-irkotta. Idlek iż-żejjed tal-irkotta fit-truf tal-flan u ferrex il-lewż u l-ġellewż fuqha. Fl-aħħar, żejjen bil-konfettura ħamra u ħadra. Ħalliha tiksaħ fil-friġġ qabel ma sservi.

Pilaf bl-Asparagus

Pilaf is a rice dish whose recipe usually involves cooking in stock or broth, adding spices, and other ingredients such as onions, vegetables or meat, and employing some technique for achieving cooked rice grains that do not adhere to each other.
Wash the asparagus thoroughly taking care not to bruise the tips. Dry between layers of kitchen paper so that it absorbs all the water. In a large pan, lightly pan fry the Mayor Diced onions and minced garlic cloves in the butter. Add the dry rice to the onions and coat with the butter. Stir continuously for around 2 minutes on medium heat. Lower the heat add the Spoon Stock and mix well. Allow to cook for 20 minutes. Add the asparagus, season and mix well. Continue cooking on low heat until the rice is cooked and tender. If you notice that the liquid is evaporated and the rice is still not tender enough, you may add some hot water so that it continues to steam. Add a tablespoon of butter and the lemon juice to the cooked rice and mix well. Sprinkle the Hanini grated Gibniet over the rice and serve. This dish may be garnished with lemon slices and spinach leaves.

Risotto bil-faqqiegh

Boil the water and add to the Chicken Spoon Stock and mix well to make a stock. Pour into a large frying pan and keep it on a low heat so that the stock gently boils. In another thick-bottom frying pan, melt the butter together with the olive oil. Add the Mayor Diced Onions and sliced mushrooms and cook for around 4-5 minutes on low heat. Add the rice and coat with the oil and butter until the rice grains are all glistening. Cook for around 1 minute and add a ladleful of Spoon Stock. When the stock evaporates add another ladle of stock while stirring constantly. Keep on adding the stock and stirring constantly until all the stock is used and the rice is cooked. If the rice is not fully cooked by the time the stock finishes you may add a ladle of hot water to make sure the rice is fully ready. Risotto dishes need constant attention while cooking and will take around 25-30 minutes to cook. It is important to keep the heat constant so that the rice does not overcook and becomes mushy (on very low heat) or cooks on the outside but remains hard on the inside (too high heat). After 20 minutes of cooking, add the liquid in smaller amounts so that you do not use too much liquid unnecessarily. It is important to keep stirring throughout the cooking time. The rice is cooked when the grains remain firm but not adhered to each other. The result will resemble rice cooked in a creamy sauce. Add the remaining butter and sprinkle with parmesan cheese. Serve immediately.

Għadam tal-Mejtin

Put the ground almonds, sugar, egg whites, essences and grated rind of a lemon in a large mixing bowl. Do not add too much almond essence because it will give the filling a bitter taste.  Mix the ingredients well together until you obtain a fairly dry paste. Preheat the oven 1900C, gas mark 5. Put the pastry on a lightly floured tabletop, roll it out and cut it into oblongs. Put some almond paste in the centre of each oblong.  Wrap the pastry around the filling and mould it into the traditional bone shape.  Tuck it neatly around, trimming off extra bits. Put the ‘bones’ on a baking tray that has been lined with baking paper. Bake for about 30 minutes, or until the pastry turns golden brown. Remove the ‘bones’ from the baking tray and leave them to cool. Cover them with white royal icing when they are completely cold.

Shellfish Risotto

Saħħan ftit żejt f’taġen kbir u qalli l-basal. Ħawwad il-ħin kollu. Żid ir-ross malli l-basal ikun se jibda jieħu l-kulur. Ħawwad tajjeb u roxx ftit turmeric. Baxxi n-nar u kompli sajjar għal madwar 7 minuti. Żid il-misħun u kompli sajjar dejjem fuq nar baxx. Dejjem żid misħun jekk tara li jkun meħtieġ ftit aktar likwidu waqt is-sajran. Żid il-piżelli, il-bżar aħmar u l-frott tal-baħar wara xi 25 minuta. Roxx ftit bżar u melħ u kompli sajjar sakemm ir-ross isir sew. Servi sħun.