
Celebrity Maltese Chefs and Recipe Enthusiasts

Tonia Grima

Tonia Grima, born in Gozo on June 4th 1956, has shown an interest in cooking from a very tender age when she keenly observed her mother produce traditional dishes made from genuine ingredients, products of their family farm.
Tonia’s curiosity set her off on a journey of discovery about all that has to do with food. She has diligently followed a lot of courses both locally, abroad and online among them in French Patisserie in uk; Pastry and Baking Basic Concepts at ITS Malta; a Chocolate Course by master Mark Tilling in UK; a number of Cake baking and Decoration Courses both locally and in UK; and many other cooking courses and classes in Malta or UK.
She gradually developed her own recipes which are characterized by being relatively easy to prepare but at the same time scrumptious. Her food tasters are her husband Benny and son Ruby. Tonia insists on using genuine ingredients and keeps in mind the busy person who deserves an enjoyable home-cooked meal.
She has become a television personality by carrying out cooking sessions on TV. Being a generous person, she generously shares her ideas and love for food preparation with others. She has also shared her ideas with relatives and friends through a book she published in 2013, Cooking My Way.

Sweet Ricotta Stuffed Cannoli Shell...

In a food processor, pulse the flour, sugar and salt. Add the butter and pulse again until there aren’t clumps of butter. Add the marsala wine and whole egg and pulse to mix well (if needed add more marsala wine) to bring the dough together in a soft dough. Shape into a round, cover, and let rest at room temperature for at least 30 minutes and up to 1 hour. Heat the oil in a large deep pot for a temperature of 180c. In the meantime, working with half of the dough at a time, and keeping the other half covered. Roll the dough very thinly onto a well flowered surface. Using a 4 to 4 1/2 inches cookie cutter, cut dough into rounds. Spray lightly the cannoli forms with cooking spray, then wrap these dough rounds around each cannoli form, while brushing about 3/4 inches of one end lightly with the egg white. Press edge of the dough to the opposite side of the dough brushed with the egg white. Carefully immerse 3 or 4 cannoli at a time in the heated oil and fry until golden brown and crisp. This takes about 1 to 2 minutes. ( always check the temperature so that the oil will not burn the cannoli ) Remove from the oil using a metal tong to grasp the cannoli shells ( let oil from inside the forms drain back into the pot ) Transfer onto paper towels to drain. Fold layers of paper towels and wrap a paper towel around the shell to carefully slide from the form. Let the forms to cool and repeat process with the remaining dough circles. At this point one could store these cannoli shells in a sealed box covered with baking paper, then place the cannoli and cover again with baking paper.  

For the filling, in a bowl, mix the Irkotta, icing sugar and whole nuts. Brush some melted chocolate in the inside of the cannoli shells. Dip both sides of the cannoli shells in the melted chocolate and then in the chopped pistachios and let these to dry. Spoon the filling in a piping bag and cut the tip of the piping bag. ( about 3/4 inches down from the tip ) Fill the cannoli shells by piping the filling from both sides of the cannoli shells. Place the filled cannoli on a plate and sift the icing sugar over the ready-made cannoli. Recipe by Tonia Grima

Lazajna tal -Kabocci

F'dixx fond tal-forn, agħmel saff patata. Għatti l-patata b'saff kaboċċi. Ħallat l-irkotta mal-bajd, bżar u melħ fi skutella u ferrex it-taħlita fuq il-kaboċċi. Itfa' ftit ġobon. Erġa' agħmel saff kaboċċi u saff patata. Ferrex ftit paprika u ftit żejt. Sajjar fil-forn f'temperatura ta' 180C sakemm il-patata tieħu l-kulur.

Balbuljata bil-Qarabagħli

Saħħan iż-żejt f'taġen fuq nar medju u sajjar il-basal għal madwar 2 minuti. Żid il-karrotti u t-tewm u kompli aqli waqt li tħawwad minn ħin għal ieħor. Żid il-piżelli, l-istokk tat-tiġieġ, u l-bżar u l-melħ. Kompli aqli għal minuta oħra u żid issa l-ikkapuljat u sajjar sakemm ikun imsajjar tajjeb. Żid issa l-qarabagħli u kompli aqli sakemm isir iżda tħallihx jirtab iżżejjed. Mat-taħlita ħallat il-kunserva, iz-zokkor u l-ilma u kompli aqli għal 2 minuti. Ħabbat il-bajd fi skutella u żidu mal-ingredjenti l-oħra fit-taġen sakemm jitħallat kollox f'daqqa. Żid il-ġobon maħkuk u servi.

Imqarrun il-Forn

Sajjar l-imqarrun skont l-istruzzjonijiet tal-pakkett. Sadanittant, f'taġen aqli l-basal fi 3 mgħaref żejt. Żid it-tewm, il-karrotti, bżar u melħ u kompli aqli u ħawwad kull tant ħin. Żid l-ikkapuljat u sajjar sakemm il-laħam ikun kważi sar. Żid l-istokk tat-tiġieġ flimkien ma' tazza u nofs ilma u ħawwad kollox flimkien. Żid il-kunserva u l-piżelli u ħawwad. Itfi n-nar. Saffi l-għaġin u ħallat il-bajd miegħu flimkien mal-ġobon maħkuk. Itfa' z-zalza mal-għaġin u ħawwad tajjeb. Itfa' l-għaġin f'dixx fond tal-forn. Ferrex ftit paprika fil-wiċċ u ftit żejt. Aħmi fuq l-ixkaffa tan-nofs tal-forn f'temperatura ta' 200 C sakemm il-wiċċ jieħu l-kulur. Bejn wieħed u ieħor idum madwar 35 - 45 minuta.

Alexandrina’s Tart

For the pasty, in a food processor, pulse together the flour, sugar, butter and salt. Add the beaten eggs and form a dough. Wrap this dough in cling film and place it in the fridge for about 2 hours.

For the filling, in a bowl mash the Irkotta and mix with it the chocolate, 6 tbsp sugar, hazelnuts and cherries. In another bowl mix the breadcrumbs, lemon zest and juice, milk, 6 tbsp sugar, eggs and coconut.

To assemble tart, line 2 cake tins 25cm by 18cm. Cut the pastry in two and roll each piece on a lightly floured surface. Roll it open enough to cover the bottom and sides of the tins. Prick the bottom with a fork and place the two tins in the fridge for about 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 200c. Cover the dough bottom and sides with baking paper and weigh it down with dried beans or rice and bake for about 12 minutes. Remove the baking paper with the beans or rice and bake for another 8 to 10 minutes. Remove from the oven and let them cool a little. Trim the edges. Divide the irkotta mix between the 2 tins and spread it evenly over the pastry. Mix the bread mix and bake for another 30 to 40 minutes. Let the tarts cool completely and place them in the fridge. For the topping, whip together the ingredients for the topping until forming a thick consistency.

To decorate, cover the top of the tart with cream leaving some to do the design on top. One could also spread some crispy dried fruits or spread some melted chocolate. Keep this tart in the fridge.