
Celebrity Maltese Chefs and Recipe Enthusiasts

Tuna, Asparagus & White Bean S...

Cook the asparagus in a large pan of boiling water for 4-5 mins until tender. Drain well, cool under running water, then cut into finger-length pieces. Toss together the tuna, Mayor beans, onion, capers and asparagus in a large serving bowl.

Mix the oil, Pinto’s Pride vinegar and tarragon together, then pour over the salad. Chill until ready to serve.

Quick Honey & Garlic Pork Chop...

Combine the honey, Pinto’s Pride soy, rice vinegar and garlic in a small bowl. Mix the oil and butter in another bowl.

Heat a griddle pan over a high heat until searing hot. Brush the pork chops all over with the oil and butter mixture, season, then cook for 4-6 mins, turning halfway, until cooked through.

Lift the pork out of the pan and onto a plate using tongs, then brush the honey mixture over both sides and return to the pan to cook for a further minute on each side.

Rest the chops for a couple of minutes, then drizzle over any juices from the pan to serve. Sprinkle with the parsley to finish, if you like.

Kejkini bil-Pastard u l-Ġibniet

Bring a pan with water to a boil and cook the cauliflower. When cooked, drain and mash it in bowl. Add the eggs, half of the grated dry ġibniet and parsley. Season with salt and pepper. In another bowl, mix the fresh cheeselets with the remaining dry, and add some pepper. Pour the caulflower mix into muffin moulds, make a whole in the middle and add one teaspoon of ġibniet mix, and close top with the cauliflower mix. Bake at 200°C for around 30 minutes. Decorate with mustard and a cherry tomato half. These can be served as a starter, or a snack and prepared before and heated when necessary.

Tiġieġa fl-Inbid Aħmar

Qaxxar it-tiġieġa neħħilha x-xaħam u aqsamha fi 8 biċċiet. Roxx ftit bżar u melħ u għaddiha mid-dqiq. Ixgħel il-forn 1800C, gass numru 4. Saħħan ftit żejt f’taġen u aqli l-biċċiet tat-tieġieġa sakemm isiru ħomor. Mhux importanti li jissajru kompletament. Poġġihom f’casserole. Qalli l-basal u l-faqqiegħ għal ftit minuti fl-istess taġen. Żid il-bżaru u lkompli qalli filwaqt li tħawwad il-ħin kollu. Żid il-kunserva, il-polpa, il-werqa randa u t-taħlita ta’ ħwawar. Ħawwad tajjeb. Żid l-inbid, l-ilma. Għalli, baxxi ftit in-nar u kompli sajjar għal 10 minuti. Ferra’ din iz-zalza fuq il-biċċiet tat-tiġieġa u sajjar fil-forn għal madwar siegħa u nofs. Ferrex it-tursin fil-wiċċ u servi. Żid ftit żebbuġ iswed fil wiċċ.

Klamri l -forn mimlijin

Heat the oven at a temperature of 1800 C or gas number 4. Clean the calamrei and remove the ink sacks. Chop the wings of the calamari into small pieces and place in a bowl. Peel the garlic cloves and finely chopped and add to a new bowl along with the mushroom and the diced onions. In a large pan, heat the oil and cook the mixture for a couple of minutes. Us a food processor to finely blend the bread for breadcrumbs. Add to the chopped calamari. Add the mint, and season with salt and pepper. Mix both mixtures together to combine. Stuff the calamari tubes with the mixture. Close the ends of the calamari with a toothpick. Place in an oven proof pan and add some water. Cook for around 40-45 minutes. Serve warm with some salad, potatoes or rice. You can also serve with some tomato and caper sauce.

Swordfish with a caper and olive sa...

Qiegħed il-ħut fuq platt kbir u ċatt u roxx ftit bżar u melħ fuqu. Qaxxar u qatta’ t-tewm. Saħħan ftit żejt ġo taġen kbir u qalli l-basal u t-tewm. Ħawwad il-ħin kollu. Żid in-nagħniegħ wara ftit minuti u kompli qalli filwaqt li tibqa’ tħawwad. Żid it-tadam mat-taħlita tal-basal u ħawwad. Żid ukoll l-inbid, kunserva u qoxra tal-lumija. Erġa’ ħawwad tajjeb. Baxxi n-nar u kompli sajjar għal madwar 30 minuta. Sadanittant, saħħan tajjeb grilja jew taġen non-stick. Sajjar tajjeb il-ħut miż-żewġ naħat. Żid il-kappar u ż-żebbuġ u erġa’ qiegħed it-taġen fuq nar bati għal 5 minuti oħra. Qiegħed biċċa ħuta f’kull platt u ferrex ftit zalza fuqha.

Pulpetti tal-Makku

Clean the fish very well and roughly chop or press and set aside in a bowl. Peel and chop the garlic in small pieces. Finely chop the tomatoes and add to the fish along with the garlic. Add the parsley, mint and lemon rind. Mix well. Add the ready mashed potatoes, eggs, salt and pepper. Add some semolina if mixture is too sticky. Form small balls and lightly flat by hand. Pass the patties from some flour. Warm some vegetable oil in a deep pan and cook the patties from both sides until well cooked. When cooked, place on a paper towel to drain excess oil. Serve warm with some fresh salad and some tartar sauce.

Lazajna tal -Kabocci

F'dixx fond tal-forn, agħmel saff patata. Għatti l-patata b'saff kaboċċi. Ħallat l-irkotta mal-bajd, bżar u melħ fi skutella u ferrex it-taħlita fuq il-kaboċċi. Itfa' ftit ġobon. Erġa' agħmel saff kaboċċi u saff patata. Ferrex ftit paprika u ftit żejt. Sajjar fil-forn f'temperatura ta' 180C sakemm il-patata tieħu l-kulur.