
Celebrity Maltese Chefs and Recipe Enthusiasts

Għadam tal-Mejtin

Put the ground almonds, sugar, egg whites, essences and grated rind of a lemon in a large mixing bowl. Do not add too much almond essence because it will give the filling a bitter taste.  Mix the ingredients well together until you obtain a fairly dry paste. Preheat the oven 1900C, gas mark 5. Put the pastry on a lightly floured tabletop, roll it out and cut it into oblongs. Put some almond paste in the centre of each oblong.  Wrap the pastry around the filling and mould it into the traditional bone shape.  Tuck it neatly around, trimming off extra bits. Put the ‘bones’ on a baking tray that has been lined with baking paper. Bake for about 30 minutes, or until the pastry turns golden brown. Remove the ‘bones’ from the baking tray and leave them to cool. Cover them with white royal icing when they are completely cold.

Shellfish Risotto

Saħħan ftit żejt f’taġen kbir u qalli l-basal. Ħawwad il-ħin kollu. Żid ir-ross malli l-basal ikun se jibda jieħu l-kulur. Ħawwad tajjeb u roxx ftit turmeric. Baxxi n-nar u kompli sajjar għal madwar 7 minuti. Żid il-misħun u kompli sajjar dejjem fuq nar baxx. Dejjem żid misħun jekk tara li jkun meħtieġ ftit aktar likwidu waqt is-sajran. Żid il-piżelli, il-bżar aħmar u l-frott tal-baħar wara xi 25 minuta. Roxx ftit bżar u melħ u kompli sajjar sakemm ir-ross isir sew. Servi sħun. 

Vegetarian Fruity Curry with Cinnam...

F'kontenitur ħallat flimkien il-basal, it-tewm, il-fażola, it-tuffieħa, il-pineapple mingħajr il-ġulepp, il-felfel, il-kari, il-kemmun u ż-żejt. Saħħan kazzola u sajjar it-taħlita tal-kari sakemm tieħu l-kulur. Wara, żid il-ġulepp tal-pineapple, iz-zalza tat-tadam, il-ħalib u ħallih itektek. F'taġen żgħir, fi ftit butir, sajjar iż-żerriegħa mfarrka tal-kosbor flimkien maz-zokk tal-kannella u l-ħlewwa stellata għal 2 minuti. Żid ir-ross u ħawwad. Itfa' l-istokk, għattih u ħallik itektek sakemm isir u sakemm jinxtorob l-istokk. Żid ftit bżar u melħ skont il-bżonn u żid il-kosbor il-frisk. Servi maz-zalza tal-kari,

Bacon and Barley Risotto with Fenne...

Fi ftit butir, sajjar il-bejken, il-basal, it-tewm, il-bużbież, il-karfus u t-tewm mingħajr ma jilħaq jieħu kulur. Żid ix-xgħir u ħawwad tajjeb. Żid ukoll il-kunserva ħelwa u erġa' ħawwad. Itfa' l-inbid, l-istokk tal-ħaxix u ħallih itektek. Hekk kif jinxtorob kważi l-ilma kollu, żid it-tadam, ix-xibt u l-bżar u l-melħ. Servi billi titfa' l-mascarpone fil-wiċċ u żejjen bi ftit ħwawar.


Preheat the oven 2000C, gas mark 6. Lightly grease and dust with flour a baking dish having a 23cm diameter. Combine the eggs, sugar and vanilla essence in a large mixing bowl.  Beat for about 10 minutes on the highest speed, until the mixture is white and thick. Use either an electric hand beater or else an electric mixer in order to have a really light sponge.  If you beat the eggs and sugar using a hand whisk, you will never have the same result. Sift the flour and, using a large metal spoon, lightly fold HALF of it into the mixture.Using a metal spoon, add the rest of the flour, half at a time, folding gently, in a figure of eight movement. Pour the mixture in the baking dish.Bake for 25-30 minutes, or until the sponge is well-risen and feels firm to the touch.Allow the sponge to stand for 5 minutes before turning it on to a wire rack to cool.

Sweet Potato, Chickpea, Goat’s Ch...

Use a large cutter or a sharp knife to cut the tortilla wraps into discs big enough to fit a muffin tray. Place into the muffin holes and bake until very lightly browned. Allow to cool. Heat a pan and fry together the onions, garlic and cumin until lightly browned. Add the aubergines, sweet potato, 1 tbsp olive oil and season well with salt and pepper. Soften for 6-8 minutes. Add in the chickpeas and hazelnuts, toss for 1 more minute and remove from the heat. Add in the spring onion, chopped coriander, 1/2 of the cheese and mix well. Adjust the seasoning and use the mixture to fill the baskets. Sprinkle the rest of the cheese on top and finish in the oven until the cheese melts. Serve garnished with rocket leaves

Sweet and Sticky Chicken and Pineap...

Ibda billi tħawwad flimkien il-qoxra u l-meraq tal-larinġa, il-BBQ sauce u l-biċċiet tal-felfel. Żid il-biċċiet tat-tiġieġ u ħawwad tajjeb. Ħallihom għal 30 minuta qabel ma tgħaddihom mill-istikek flimkien mal-pineapple u l-bżar aħmar. Itfa' ftit żejt taż-żebbuġa u sajjar fuq il-BBQ sakemm jieħdu l-kulur u jkunu saru. Sadanittant,sajjar il-kuskus bil-misħun u ħallih jixxarrab għal 5 minuti qabel ma tħawdu b'furketta. Itfa' ż-żejt taż-żebbuġa, in-nagħniegħ il-frisk u l-lewż inkaljat. Uża l-aktar avokado misjura sabiex tipprepara d-dipp (guacamole). Sabiex isservi, poġġi l-qoxra tal-pineapple fuq injama apposta u imliha bit-taħlita tal-kuskus. Poġġi l-istikek tat-tiġieġ fuq l-injama u agħmel id-dipp tal-avokado ġo kontenitu fil-ġenb. Żejjen bil-flieli tal-lumi, nagħniegħ u l-felfel.

Braised Beef Chilly Gluten Free Wra...

Idlek il-laħam fil-BBQ sauce u poġġih f'dixx tal-forn. Żid l-istokk taċ-ċanga, għattih u sajjar f'temperatura ta' 160 gradi Celsius għal 4 sigħat. Qalli ftit il-basal f'taġen flimkien mal-felfel u t-tewm. Żid il-fażola ħamra u ħawwad tajjeb. Fl-aħħar żid il-kosbor u neħħi minn fuq in-nar. Ifred il-laħam b'furketta, ħawdu mat-taħlita tal-basal u żid il-BBQ sauce. Itfa' ftit mit-taħlita fin-nofs tar-wrap, żid il-ġobon u l-ispinaċi, dawwarha u griljaha miż-żewġ naħat.

Deviled Eggs

Għalli l-ilma f'kazzola kbira, u żid il-bajd waħda waħda sakemm jerġa' jagħli. Ħallih għal minuta, itfi n-nar u ħalli l-bajd fil-kazzola għal 12-il minuta. Sadanittant, imla kontenitur kbir bl-ilma kiesaħ, u itfa' ftit silġ. Wara li l-bajd ikun qagħad għal tnax-il minuta, itfagħhom fl-ilma kiesaħ għal 15-il minuta - mhux iżjed - qabel ma tqaxxarhom mill-qoxra bil-mod. Aqsam il-bajd min-nofs mit-tul u neħħi bil-mod l-isfar minn kull nofs u itfgħu f'kontenitur. Poġġi l-aħjar 18-il nofs bajda fi platt. Mat-taħlita tal-isfra tal-bajd, żid il-mayonnaise, kuċċarina mustarda, il-melħ, il-paprika u ftit sauce li jaħraq. Ħawwad kollox flimkien u għaffeġ b'furketta. Fl-aħħar uża blender sabiex tkompli tħallat it-taħlita tajjeb. Żid iż-żejt u kompli ħawwad bil-blender. Ara jekk hemmx bżonn iżżid ftit melħ u bżar jew jekk tridhiex taħraq iżjed. Ġeneralment jintużaw żewġ kuċċarini mustarda u ftit iżjed sauce li jaħraq, imma idealment iżżidu ftit ftit. Żid ftit ilma b'idek sabiex ikollok konsistenza tajba fit-taħlita sabiex tuża piping bag. Itfa' t-taħlita fil-piping bag bl-għamla ta' stilla u imla n-nofsijiet tal-bajd. Tista' wkoll titfa' t-taħlita tal-isfra tal-bajd billi tuża żewġ kuċċarini. Xerred ftit paprika u kurrat biex iżżejjen.

Tomato and Aubergine Lasagna with G...

Drizzle the Aubergines with oil, grill from both sides on a hot grill and once browned place them on a kitchen towel to absorb the extra oil. Sauté the onion, garlic and then simmer the tomato salsa in. Layer the vegetables like a lasagna, starting with the tomato sauce, aubergines, mixed goat cheese, mint leaves and tomato than repeat again. Finish the top with tomato sauce and parmesan, bake on high temperature until browned and then allow to set for 2 hrs in the fridge and serve topped with rocket leaves, parmesan shavings and olive oil.

Insalata bil-Halloumi Griljat

Ibda r-riċetta billi tħallat flimkien f'kontenitur il-bużbież, il-basal u l-farru msajjar. F'kontenitur ieħor żgħir, ħallat flimkien il-ħall basmatiku, iż-żejt taż-żebbuġa, il-meraq u l-qxur tal-larinġ u żid ftit bżar u melħ. Żidu mat-taħlita tal-insalata u ħawwad kollox flimkien. Żid il-flieli tal-larinġ, id-dulliegħ u l-weraq tal-insalata u poġġi t-taħlita fil-friġġ. Aqsam il-ġobon f'erba' biċċiet. Żid ftit bżar u melħ u ftit dqiq u aqlih fi ftit żejt għal minuta fuq kull naħa sakemm jieħu l-kulur. Servi kollox flimkien fi platti fondi. Fil-wiċċ żid il-ġobon griljat u ferrex ftit mill-meraq li jkun fadal.

Lamb & Pancetta Brouchette on ...

Sajjar il-kuskus skont l-istruzzjonijiet tal-pakkett, u ħalltu flimkien mal-kosbor, paprika u l-ikkapuljat tal-ħaruf. Agħmel forom ta' blalen daqs 40g, dawwarhom fil-bejken u daħħalhom fi stikka. Griljahom fuq il-BBQ sakemm isiru. Qatta' l-pineapple, il-ġobon u griljahom sakemm jieħdu ftit kulur miż-żewġ naħat. Itfa' ftit bżar u melħ u ferrex ftit weraq tas-sagħtar waqt li jkunu għadhom sħan. Qaxxar il-qoxra tal-lumija u agħsarha, ħawwad tajjeb mal-jogurt u servih bħala kontorn. Ħallat flimkien in-nagħniegħ, il-weraq tal-insalata, u servi fuq il-halloumi u l-pineapple u fil-wiċċ żid l-istikek tal-laħam.

Pizza Għawdxija bil-Ħobż Naan

Spread the tomato sauce on the naan bread and sprinkle the shredded mozzarella. Add your favourite ingredients and finish off with fresh rosemary and chopped Peppered Cheeselet. Drizzle with olive oil and bake in a preheated 220°C oven for about 15 minutes or until is well baked. Add fresh basil and serve.

Għaġin bil-Pastard

F'kazzola kbira, dewweb il-butir u żid il-basal u t-tewm u sajjar sakemm jieħdu l-kulur. Żid il-pastarda mfarrka u sajjar għal 15-il minuta. Żid iz-zalza tat-tadam, l-irkotta, l-għads, il-ħall balsamiku, il-ħwawar, bżar u melħ u ħawwad tajjeb sakemm jitħallat kollox. Ħallih jagħli ftit u ħallih itektek għal 30 minuta sakemm iz-zalza tiġi magħquda. Sadanittant, sajjar l-għaġin skont l-istruzzjonijiet tal-pakkett. Ħalltu maz-zalza u żejjen il-platt bil-ġibna tal-Ħanini maħkuka u ħabaq frisk.


Prepare the beans by removing the outer pod and exterior coating. Toss the chopped onions & diced potatoes in butter heated over medium heat. When vegetables are well coated, add the prepared beans & toss once or twice. Then add the Kunserva & stir well. Add water to cover & the Vegetable Stock Pots. Continue to cook until the beans are soft approx 20 mins. Add the pasta beads, stir well & continue cooking, until these are transparent (another 20 mins). Finally add the peas & cook a few minutes longer until all the vegetables & the pasta beads are tender. Serve this soup with a sprinkling of freshly grated Parmesan cheese, & possibly a fresh sheep’s cheese (ġbejna) per person

Klamari Friski Mimlijin

Ħallat u għaffeġ flimkien il-ħut, l-abjad tal-bajd, il-krema, in-nagħniegħ u bżar u melħ. Żid it-taħlita tal-antipasto. Naddaf sew il-klamari u neħħi l-biċċa ta' fuq. Imla l-klamari bit-taħlita tal-ħut u uża toothpick sabiex tkun tista' tagħlaqhom. Iggriljahom fuq gradilja msaħħna, u fl-aħħar itfagħhom ftit fil-forn sakemm isiru. Qatta' biċċiet żgħar il-kurrat u l-qarabagħli u sajjarhom ftit sakemm jieħdu l-kulur. Żidhom mal-ispinaċi.

Aubergine, Prawn and Ricotta Timbal...

Split the mozzarella in halves, pass through flour, dip in egg and roll in breadcrumbs. Coat twice. Grease 2 timballo moulds with extra virgin olive oil, dust with breadcrumbs and line with the aubergine slices. Mix the ricotta with the remaining egg, parsley, cheese, chopped prawns and garlic. Place a spoonful of cherry tomato sauce and top with the ricotta. Cover with a

layer of aubergine. Repeat the process and finish with the aubergine. Bake for 15 minutes on low moderate heat until the ricotta is set. Flip the aubergine timballo on a serving plate, accompanied with salad leaves, crispy fried mozzarella and the grilled king prawns.

Grilled Tuna on a Mango, Coriander ...

In a small bowl mix well the soy sauce and honey, brush the tuna with and roll into the sesame seeds. Drain well the spelt and in a large bowl mix well with the spring onions, tomatoes, onions, baby spinach, almonds and coriander, toss with olive oil. Seal the tuna on a preheated sauté pan and serve on the salad

Spiced Bacon and 3 Bean Casserole w...

Start this recipe by frying the bacon in a pan to brown all over. Add in the onion and garlic and cook together for 2 minutes. Add in the spices and diced peppers and continue to cook for 3 minutes. Add in the tomato concentrate, cook for 1 minute then splash in the red wine to evaporate. Mix in the Worcestershire sauce, mustard, polpa and stock and cook together for 10 – 15 minutes. When ready, add in the baked beans with their sauce, the 2 types of drained beans and mix together well. Make up the flavoured couscous and warm the whole meal pittas. Serve the bean casserole with the couscous and the pitta cut into wedges.

Torta ta lampuki

Chop the lampuki fillets into small squares. Chop the onions, garlic cloves, mint, and basil leaves into small pieces. Fry the onions and garlic in olive oil. Add the mint and basil and keep frying until onions turn golden. Lower the heat and add the fish without cooking completely. In the meantime, mix the mashed cauliflowers and cooked spinach well and chop the black olives and anchovies into small pieces. Add the spinach and cauliflower mix, olives, capers, and anchovies to the fish. Cook for a few minutes and then add the tomato puree, some salt and pepper and the lemon zest. Remove from the heat and add one lightly beaten egg. Mix well. Roll out the pastry and line over a greaseproof paper in a pie dish. Fill in with the lampuki mixture and use the other pastry to cover the pie. Brush with the lightly beaten egg and sprinkle with some sesame seeds. Make a few slits in the top of the pie and bake for around 50-60 minutes in a hot oven.

Avocado with shrimps

The very best version of this is made with prawns (either fresh or frozen in their shells) that you have cooked yourself. Failing that, buy the large cooked prawns in their shells, or if you can only get shelled prawns cut the amount to 1 lb (450 g). To prepare them: if frozen put them in a colander and allow to defrost thoroughly at room temperature for about 1 hour. After that, if using uncooked prawns, heat a large solid frying pan or wok and dry-fry the prawns for 4-5 minutes until the grey turns a vibrant pink. As soon as they’re cool, reserve 6 in their shells for a garnish and peel the remainder. Then take a small sharp knife, make a cut along the back of each peeled prawn and remove any black thread. Place them in a bowl, cover with clingfilm and keep in the fridge until needed. To make the cocktail sauce, prepare the mayonnaise and add it to the rest of the sauce ingredients. Stir and taste to check the seasoning, then keep the sauce covered with clingfilm in the fridge until needed. When you are ready to serve, shred the lettuce and rocket fairly finely and divide them between 6 stemmed glasses, then peel and chop the avocado into small dice and scatter this in each glass amongst the lettuce. Top with the prawns and the sauce, sprinkle a dusting of cayenne pepper on top and garnish with 1 section of lime and 1 unpeeled prawn per glass. Serve with brown bread and butter.

Pate tal-Fwied

Saħħan mgħarfa mill-butir f'taġen li ma jwaħħalx fuq nar medju. Kif il-butir jibda jbaqbaq, żid il-fwied tat-tiġieġ u aqlih għal 2 minuti fuq kull naħa. Itfa' t-tewm il-mgħaffeġ, ftit mis-sagħtar u l-inbid fit-taġen mal-fwied. Aqli għal 2 minuti, u ħalli l-inbid itektek. Itfa' t-taħlita ġo food processor, warrab 200g mill-butir u żid il-bqija fil-processor. Ħawwad kollox flimkien. Żid ftit bżar u melħ skont il-bżonn u poġġi fi flixken żgħar tal-ħġieġ bil-għatu 4 x 70ml. Dewweb il-kumplament tal-butir f'taġen u żid it-tewm l-imqatta'. Ħawwad sakemm jieħu l-kulur. Itfa' din it-taħlita fil-flixken tal-ħġieġ tal-paté b'tali mod li titfa' ftit biċċiet tat-tewm u l-kumplament tas-sagħtar f'kull flixkun. Kessaħ fil-friġġ minn tal-inqas 4 sigħat, jew sakemm joqgħod. Jista' jsir minn jumejn qabel. Qabel ma sservi, ixwi l-ħobż u aqtgħu f'forma trijangulari. Għaddi t-tuffieħa miċ-chutney. Servi l-paté fuq bords żgħar tal-injam flimkien mal-ħobż mixwi u ċ-chutney.

Kejk tal-Irkotta u l-Kannoli

Farrak il-kannoli, u ħalli tnejn minnhom sabiex iżżejjen aktar 'il quddiem. Ħallat flimkien il-butir l-imdewweb mal-kannoli u qiegħed it-taħlita fil-qiegħ ta' borma tal-kejk bi 8 pulzieri. Uża mgħarfa sabiex tiċċattja t-taħlita. Ħallih jiksaħ għal 30 minuta. Sadanittant, għaddas il-weraq tal-ġelatina fil-meraq tal-larinġa u saħħan f'kazzola jew fil-microwave sabiex jinħallu. Ħawwad l-irkotta sakemm ikollok konsistenza kremuża, żid iz-zokkor tal-kisi (icing sugar), il-qoxra tal-larinġa, il-biċċiet taċ-ċikkulata u t-taħlita tal-ġelatina mdewba. Issa, tella' l-krema u żidha bil-mod mat-taħlita. Ferrex it-taħlita fuq il-frak tal-kannoli u ħalliha toqgħod fil-friġġ tal-inqas sagħtejn. Xħin tkun lesta, neħħiha mill-borma tal-kejk u poġġiha fi platt li sservi bih. Żejjen il-wiċċ bil-frak tal-kannoli li warrabt fil-bidu, il-qoxra tal-larinġa, il-biċċiet taċ-ċikkulata u l-pistaċċi.

Aubergines with Maltese Style Panza...

Cut the aubergine in half lengthwise. Cut the flesh, criss-cross with a sharp knife and season with salt and pepper. Drizzle with the olive oil and bake or grill until soft. Meanwhile, cut the ftiras in half, spread with the tomato paste, drizzle generously with the olive oil and cut into neat dice. Season with salt and pepper and place on a baking tray and toast in the oven at 150°C. Bake until crunchy on the outside and slightly soft inside. Cut the tomato into cubes, halve the cherry tomatoes and place into a bowl. Add in the cucumber and onion and mix well before adding in the tuna, gardiniera’ and basil leaves. Mix in the crusty bread pieces before serving. Place the aubergines onto serving plates, top up with the tuna-bread mixture. Serve with the peppered gbejniet crumbled on top and a good drizzle of olive oil.

Spiced bacon and 3 bean casserole w...

Start this recipe by frying the bacon in a pan to brown all over. Add in the onion and garlic and cook together for 2 minutes. Add in the spices and diced peppers and continue to cook for 3 minutes. Add in the tomato concentrate, cook for 1 minute then splash in the red wine to evaporate. Mix in the Worcestershire sauce, mustard, polpa and stock and cook together for 10 – 15 minutes. When ready, add in the baked beans with their sauce, the 2 types of drained beans and mix together well. Make up the flavoured couscous and warm the whole meal pittas. Serve the bean casserole with the couscous and the pitta cut into wedges.

Beef Stew in Red Wine

Saħħan il-marġerina u ftit żejt ġo taġen ftit fond u qalli l-basal u t-tewm. Ħawwad il-ħin kollu.Għaddi l-laħam mid-dqiq u aqli fl-istess taġen mal-basal u t-tewm.Żid il-paprika, il-karrotti u l-faqqiegħ imqattgħin żgħar.Ħawwad u kompli sajjar għal ftit ħin. Żid l-inbid aħmar u l-ilma. Poġġi kollox ġo casserole u sajjar fil-forn għal madwar 45 minuta. Zejjen bil-merqtux jew ħwawar oħra.

Saħħan il-marġerina u ftit żejt ġo taġen ftit fond u qalli l-basal u t-tewm. Ħawwad il-ħin kollu.Għaddi l-laħam mid-dqiq u aqli fl-istess taġen mal-basal u t-tewm.Żid il-paprika, il-karrotti u l-faqqiegħ imqattgħin żgħar.Ħawwad u kompli sajjar għal ftit ħin. Żid l-inbid aħmar u l-ilma. Poġġi kollox ġo casserole u sajjar fil-forn għal madwar 45 minuta. Zejjen bil-merqtux jew ħwawar oħra.

Denb taċ-Ċanga

In a deep pan, heat the olive oil and gently pan fry the Mayor Diced Onions and garlic. Add the flour. In an oven dish place the oxtail and cook in the oven until it slightly browns but not cooked completely. In the meantime, add the Mayor Polpa, beer, cloves, mixed spice and paprika to the onion mixture and stir well. Add the Spoon Stock and stir again. Allow to cook on a very low flame. Pour the sauce into an oven-proof casserole. Add the meat and cook in the oven for around 100 minutes at 170oc.

Ċanga bil-Curry

In a deep pan, melt the butter together with the olive oil. Add the Mayor Diced Onions and carrots and gently pan-fry them. Add the curry powder and Three Hills Kunserva. Stir and cook for a few minutes until the curry amalgamates with the sauce. Add the beef and brown in the mixture, on a low flame. While the meat is cooking add the flour and mix well. Cook for a few minutes stirring constantly. Add the Spoon Stock and cover. Allow to simmer for 45 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add the apple pieces, stir and continue simmering for a further 20 minutes until meat is tender. Serve with cooked rice.

Pulpetti taċ-Ċanga

In a pan, gently fry the Mayor Diced Onions and garlic in margarine and olive oil. Add some chopped sage and a couple of bay leaves. When the onions soften, around 1-2 minutes, add the wine and Provista Sugu and stir. Cook on medium heat for around 5-7 minutes. In a large bowl, put the minced beef and bacon. Add the parsley, eggs, Hanini Gibniet and season. Stir the mixture thoroughly, making sure that all the ingredients are well integrated together. Take a spoonful of the mixture and form into small balls between the palms of your hands. Keep doing this until all the mixture is used. In the meantime, prepare a pot of boiling water on the hob. Coat the meatballs with semolina and place in the boiling water, Cook for around 20 minutes. Scoop out the meatballs from the water and add them to the tomato sauce. Continue cooking on a low flame for around 40 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Torta tat-Tiġieġ u l-Kurrat

Qatta’ t-tiġieġ f’biċċiet żgħar u itfa' l-bżar u l-melħ. Itfa’ mgħarfa butir f’taġen u aqli t-tiġieġ sakemm jieħdu l-kulur. Wara, żid il-bacon, il-kurrat u l-faqqiegħ. Ferrex ftit klin u nuċimuskata. Żid l-inbid abjad, ħallih itektek u itfa' l-ispinaċi u għaqqad bil-krema bajda. Itfa' t-taħlita f'dixx tal-forn. Għalli l-patata u għaffiġha. Ħallat magħha l-butir, il-ġobon u t-tursin. Żid ftit bżar u melħ u ħallat l-isfra tal-bajd. Ferrex il-patata fuq it-taħlita tat-tiġieġ u sajjar f'forn jaħraq b'mod moderat sakemm il-patata tieħu l-kulur.

Gateau taċ-Ċikkulata

Saħħan il-forn fuq temperatura ta’ bejn il-160 u 180 grad. Idlek żewġ dixxijiet tal-kejkijiet ta’ madwar 20ċm bi ftit żejt. Poġġi l-ingredjenti kollha tal-kejk, minbarra l-ilma jagħli, ġo bowl kbir fond biex tkun tista’ tħawwad kollox fih. Ħawwad sewwa b’wooden spoon jew mixer tal-elettriku sakemm it-taħlita tiġi ratba u mħallta tajjeb. Żid il-misħun mat-taħlita, ftit ftit, sakemm it-taħlita tal-kejk tirtab u ssir likwida ħafna. Qassam it-taħlita tal-kejk nofs f’dixx u nofs fid-dixx l-ieħor u aħmi fil-forn għal madwar 25-35 minuta, jew sakemm il-wiċċ jissoda u meta ddaħħal sikkina fil-kejk toħroġ nadifa. Oħroġ il-kejkijiet mill-forn u ħallihom jiksħu għalkollox fid-dixxijiet tagħhom. Għall-icing taċ-ċikkulata, saħħan iċ-ċikkulata u l-krema ġo kazzola fuq nar baxx sakemm iddub iċ-ċikkulata kollha. Neħħi l-kazzola minn fuq in-nar u ħawwad it-taħlita bil-whisker sakemm tissoda ftit il-konsistenza tagħha. Ħalliha toqgħod għal madwar siegħa jew sagħtejn, jew sakemm tagħqad biżżejjed li tkun tista’ tiksi l-kejk biha. Oħroġ il-kejkijiet mid-dixxijiet tagħhom. Uża sikkina biex taqla’ l-kejkijiet mill-ġnub mingħajr ma jitfarrku. Idlek ftit ċikkulata fil-wiċċ ta’ kejk minnhom u poġġi l-kejk l-ieħor fuqu. Poġġi l-kejk fuq platt u iksi l-kejk kollu bl-icing taċ-ċikkulata b’sikkina tal-kejkijiet.

Bruxketta Kkulurita

Aqsam il-ħobż f’biċċiet ħoxnin. Roxx fuqhom ftit żejt taż-żebbuġa u ixwi fuq xi grilja jew fil-forn. Ġo reċipjent, saffi it-tadam tal-bott u ħallat mal-mozzarellu u l-ħabaq. Meta l-ħobż għadhom sħan, żid it-taħlita tat-tadam u erġa roxx ftit aktar żejt taż-żebbuġa fil-wiċċ

Bacon Wrapped Chicken Drumsticks wi...

Place the onion in a thick bottom saucepan together with the vinegar, chili flakes, brown sugar and the spices. Pour over the tinned fruit cocktail mix including the syrup and the raisins and bring to the boil. Lower to a simmer and continue to cook until mixture is thick and syrupy. Stir in the cashew nuts and sesame seeds. Trim excess fat from the chicken drumsticks and cut deep slit in the flesh through to the bone. Marinade with smoked paprika, cayenne pepper, rosemary, honey and a spoon of olive oil. Roll with the bacon slices and allow to marinate, preferably overnight. When ready to cook, bake the drumsticks covered for 20 minutes in a hot oven at 200°C, remove the foil and continue cooking until the chicken is crispy and cooked through. Serve with the Fruit chutney and the side.

Maltese Sausage and pumpkin risotto

Sauté the onion, celery, garlic, and sausage in butter until softened without browning. Add the rice still for 2 minutes on low heat then pour in the wine and bring to the boil. Add the warm stock and simmer until liquid is almost absorbed and rice is almost cooked. Add the pumpkin and rosemary and mix well, continue cooking until rice is cooked through. Add the tomato cream and simmer for a few more minutes, adjust seasoning and serve with mascarpone on top.

Ricotta Ravioli with Lemon and Oliv...

Heat a knob of butter in a pan and sauté the onion and garlic until lightly browned. Add in the olives, thyme and tomatoes and sauté for 2 more minutes. Splash in the white wine, stock and simmer by half. Add in the cream, lemon zest, juice and simmer again by half. Meanwhile, cook the ravioli in salted boiling later. Finish off the sauce by whisking in the remaining butter, season and toss in the ravioli.

Torta tal-Marmurat

Put the almonds in a heavy bottomed frying pan. Place over medium heat and stir often until the almonds turn golden brown. You can also roast the almonds in the oven. Preheat oven to 1800C, gas mark 4. Spread the almonds in one layer in a shallow baking dish. Bake for 10 to 15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until they turn golden. Leave the almonds to cool completely before chopping them in medium sized pieces. Preheat the oven 1900C, gas mark 5. Put all the dry ingredients required for the filling into a bowl and stir them together. On a lightly floured surface, roll out the pastry thinly and line a 24cm diameter, non-stick baking dish with it. If possible, use a loose bottomed tin. This will make it easier to remove the baked tart later on. Press the pastry lightly and firmly all over the base and sides of the tin, easing any overlapping pastry back down the sides, as it is important not to stretch this bit too much. Trim the edges, leaving a small edge of pastry sticking over the edge of the baking dish to allow for shrinkage in the oven. Prick the base all over with a fork and spread some jam over the pastry. Spoon the filling into the pastry case and flat it with a palette knife or the back of a spoon. Bake for about 45 minutes and leave the tart to cool completely before removing it from the tin. Decorate with melted chocolate, almond or sugar paste, royal icing and candied cherries.