
Pulpetti taċ-Ċanga

Serves 4
Prep Time 25 mins
Cooking 45 mins
Level medium


  • 600g ikkapuljat taċ-ċanga
  • 200g Ikkapuljat tal-bacon
  • 80g Gobon maħkuk tal-Hanini
  • Tursin imqatta' fin
  • 1 Jar Provista Sugu
  • Tazza nbid abjad
  • Weraq tar-rand
  • 300g Basal tal-Mayor
  • 2 Tewmiet, mqattgħin fin
  • Salvja friska
  • 3 Bajdiet sħaħ
  • Smid
  • Marġerina
  • Żejt taż-żebbuġa
Żid il-basal tal-Mayor go tagen u sajjar għal ftit minuti. Żid is-salvja u r-rand. Meta l-basal jibda jieħu l-kulur żid l-inbid u z-zalza u kompli sajjar fuq nar baxx. Poġġi l-ikkapuljat ġo skutella mdaqqsa u żid miegħu t-tursin, il-bajd, il-ġobon u ftit bżar u melħ. Għaffeġ u ħawwad sewwa u fforma pulpetti żgħar forma ta’ ballun mhux goffi. Ipprepara borma misħun. Għaddi l-pulpetti mis-smid u sajjar fil-misħun għal madwar 20 minuta. Iġbor il-pulpetti, poġġihom fiz-zalza u kompli sajjarhom fil-forn jew fuq nar baxx għal madwar 40 minuta. When the onions soften, around 1-2 minutes, add the wine and Provista Sugu and stir. Cook on medium heat for around 5-7 minutes. In a large bowl, put the minced beef and bacon. Add the parsley, eggs, Hanini Gibniet and season.  Stir the mixture thoroughly, making sure that all the ingredients are well integrated together. Take a spoonful of the mixture and form into small balls between the palms of your hands. Keep doing this until all the mixture is used. In the meantime, prepare a pot of boiling water on the hob. Coat the meatballs with semolina and place in the boiling water, Cook for around 20 minutes. Scoop out the meatballs from the water and add them to the tomato sauce. Continue cooking on a low flame for around 40 minutes, stirring occasionally.     Ricetta ta' Anton B. Dougall

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