
Torta tal-Marmurat

Serves 6
Prep Time 40 mins
Cooking 50 mins
Level medium


  • 800g Għaġina ħelwa
  • 150g lewż mitħun (intrita)
  • 150g Gallettini digestive jew biċċiet ta' kejk
  • 120g Frott konfettura minn qxur tal-larinġ
  • 100g Lewż mismut
  • 100g Zokkor
  • 80g Biċċiet taċ-ċikkulata
  • 25g Kokotina
  • 2 Bajdiet
  • 2 Mgħaref ġamm
  • ½ Kuċċarina essenza tal-vanilla
  • Ċikkulata mdewba
  • Royal icing
  • Paste tal-lewż jew taz-zokkor
  • Konfettura taċ-ċirasa
Poġġi l-lewż f'taġen fond u sajjar fuq nar medju billi tħawwad spiss sakemm il-lewż jibda jieħu l-kulur. Tista' wkoll tinkalja l-lewż fil-forn. Saħħan il-forn f'temperatura ta' 1800C, gass numru 4. Ifrex il-lewż f'saff wieħed f'dixx baxx tal-forn. Sajjar għal 10 sa 15-il minuta billi kultant tħawwad sakemm jieħu l-kulur. Ħalli l-lewż jiksaħ għal kollox u qatta' f'biċċiet medji. Saħħan il-forn f'temperatura ta' 1900C, gass numru 5. Poġġi l-ingredjenti niexfa kollha meħtieġa għall-mili f'kontenitur u ħawwad kollox f'daqqa. Ifrex ftit dqiq fuq il-bank, u iftaħ l-għaġina rqiqa u poġġiha f'dixx tal-forn li ma jeħilx, wiesgħa 24 ċm possibilment bil-qiegħ jinqala' sabiex tkun faċli biex tneħħi t-torta iktar 'il quddiem. Bil-mod, agħfas l-għaġina fuq il-qiegħ tad-dixx kif ukoll fil-ġnub, u ż-żejjed niżlu 'l isfel mill-ġnub. Importanti li ma ġġebbidx l-għaġina żżejjed. Aqta' ż-żejjed tal-għaġina, u ħalli xifer żgħir mat-tarf tad-dixx sabiex jinxtorob fil-forn. Taqqab il-qiegħ tal-għaġina b'furketta u ferrex ftit ġamm. Imla l-għaġina bil-mili u ċċattjah b'mgħarfa. Aħmi għal madwar 45 minuta u ħalli t-torta tiksaħ għal kollox qabel ma tneħħiha mid-dixx. Żejjen biċ-ċikkulata mdewba, bil-paste tal-lewż jew taz-zokkor, royal icing u l-konfettura taċ-ċirasa.0C, gas mark 4.  Spread the almonds in one layer in a shallow baking dish. Bake for 10 to 15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until they turn golden. Leave the almonds to cool completely before chopping them in medium sized pieces. Preheat the oven 1900C, gas mark 5. Put all the dry ingredients required for the filling into a bowl and stir them together. On a lightly floured surface, roll out the pastry thinly and line a 24cm diameter, non-stick baking dish with it. If possible, use a loose bottomed tin.  This will make it easier to remove the baked tart later on. Press the pastry lightly and firmly all over the base and sides of the tin, easing any overlapping pastry back down the sides, as it is important not to stretch this bit too much. Trim the edges, leaving a small edge of pastry sticking over the edge of the baking dish to allow for shrinkage in the oven. Prick the base all over with a fork and spread some jam over the pastry. Spoon the filling into the pastry case and flat it with a palette knife or the back of a spoon. Bake for about 45 minutes and leave the tart to cool completely before removing it from the tin. Decorate with melted chocolate, almond or sugar paste, royal icing and candied cherries. Ricetta ta' Anton B Dougall Dougal

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