
Celebrity Maltese Chefs and Recipe Enthusiasts

Stuffed Pasta with Irkotta and Spin...

Heat the oven to a temperature of 1800C, gas number 4. In a bowl, mix well the Irkotta until very creamy. Add the grated cheese, nutmeg, salt and pepper and mix well together. Roughtly cut the cooked spinach leaves and add to the irkotta mixture. Add the beaten eggs and mix. Fill each pasta shell and set aside. Bring 1 large pot to a boil. Cover the sides of all pasta shells with the semolina and very gently add the past shells. The semolina is done in order to prevent the cheese mixture from coming out of the pasta shells. Leave the pasta ‘al dente’, it must not be fully cooked. In a separate oven dish, add the tomato sauce and gently add the pasta shells next to each other making sure the cheese area is looking upwards. Sprinkle the grated cheese, some salt and pepper and let cook for around 20 minutes. Serve hot.

Gallettini Forma ta' Brimb

Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4 and line two baking sheets with parchment. Using an electric hand whisk, cream the butter, peanut butter and sugar together until very light and fluffy, then beat in the egg and vanilla. Once combined, stir in the flour, bicarb and ¼ tsp salt.
Scoop 18-20 tbsps of the mixture onto the trays, leaving enough space between each to allow for spreading. Make a thumbprint in the centre of the cookies. Bake for 10-12 mins or until firm at the edges but still soft in the middle – they’ll harden a little as they cool. Leave to cool on the tray for a few mins before topping each biscuit with a peanut butter cup, Rolo or Malteser. Transfer to a wire rack to cool completely.
Heat the chocolate in the microwave in short bursts, or in a bowl set over a pan of simmering water, until just liquid. Scrape into a piping bag and leave to cool a little. Pipe the legs onto each spider, then stick two eyes on each. Leave to set. Will keep for three days in an airtight container.

Bżar tal-Kulur Mimli tal-Halloween

Cut the tops off the peppers (keeping the tops to one side) and remove the seeds and any white flesh from inside. Use a small sharp knife to carve spooky Halloween faces into the sides. Chop any offcuts into small pieces and set aside. Toast the pine nuts in a dry pan for a few mins until golden and set aside. Heat the oil in the pan and heat the oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Cook Mayor Diced Onions in the oil for 3 minutes. Stir in the garlic, pepper offcuts and aubergine and cook for another 10 mins, until the veggies are soft. Add a splash of water if the pan looks dry. Season. Empty can of quinoa and separate with a fork. Mix the Il-Helwa with some hot water and add to the quinoa to worm up. Drain and add the lemon zest, basil and pine nuts. Fill each pepper with the grain mixture. Replace the lids, using cocktail sticks to secure them in place, and put the peppers in a deep roasting tin with the carved faces facing upwards. Cover with foil and bake for 35 mins, uncovered for the final 10. The peppers should be soft and the filling piping hot.

Kalzone bil-Faqqiegħ u l-Ġobon

Agħmel l-għaġina tal-pizza skont l-istruzzjonijiet tal-pakkett. Sadanittant ipprepara l-mili. Saħħan kuċċarina żejt f'taġen kbir u aqli l-faqqiegħ sakemm jieħu l-kulur għal madwar 8 minuti. Żid it-tewm, iċ-chili u l-klin u sajjar għal minuta oħra. Itfa' l-krema u mgħarfa ilma u neħħi t-taġen minn fuq in-nar. Saħħan il-forn f'temperatura ta' 220C jew 200C bil- fann/gass numru 7. Iftaħ l-għaġina b'dijametru ta' 30 ċm. Ferrex it-taħlita tal-faqqiegħ fuq nofs l-għaġina u ħalli 2 ċm mit-tarf vojt. Ferrex il-ġobon. Agħlaq l-għaġina u agħfas it-trufijiet. Dellek bil-kumplament taż-żejt u itfagħha f'dixx tal-forn u sajjar għal 15-20 minuta sakemm togħla u tieħu l-kulur. Aqtagħha min-nofs u servi ma' ftit insalata.

Cacio & Pepe

Sajjar l-għaġin żewġ minuti inqas minn kif indikat fuq l-istruzzjonijiet, f'ilma mielaħ u jagħli. Sadanittant, dewweb il-butir f'taġen fuq nar baxx, żid il-bżar u sajjar għal ftit minuti. Saffi l-għaġin u żomm 200ml ilma minn tal-għaġin. Itfa' l-għaġin fit-taġen flimkien ma' 100ml mill-ilma li erfajt u ħawwad kollox flimkien. Ferrex il-ġobon mingħajr ma tħawwad - stenna sakemm il-ġobon ikun inħall għal madwar 30 sekonda. Kif jinħall, ħawwad kollox flimkien. Dan jgħin sabiex ikollok taħlita kremuża indaqs minn kull naħa. Jekk it-taħlita tiġi magħquda ħafna, żid ftit ieħor mill-ilma tal-għaġin. Servi minnufih b'ammont sew ta' bżar fil-wiċċ.

Pesto Genovese

Poġġi l-ħabaq, żejt, prinjoli, tewm u melħ ġo food processor. Idħan sewwa fuq speed għoli. Meta l-ingredjenti jkunu ndaħnu tajjeb u saru ħaġa waħda; neħħi mill-food processor u qegħdu ġo beiqja. Ftit, ftit ibda ħawwad il-ġobon. Meta tkun żgur li l-ingredjenti jkunu kollha tħalltu sew żid il-butir artab u ħawwad tajjeb. Trid tħawwad b’idejk. Fl-aħħar żid mgħarfa misħun.

Vegetarian Tacos with Sour Cream an...

Saħħan iż-żejt f'taġen u aqli l-basal u l-bżaru aħmar għal 4 minuti. Żid l-ikkapuljat u sajjar għal 2 minuti qabel ma żżid il-pakkett tal-ħwawar. Ħawwad kollox flimkien u żid ftit mgħaref ilma u sajjar fuq nar baxx għal 5-6 minuti. Sadanittant, ħallat flimkien il-krema friska u l-meraq tal-lumi u poġġiha fil-friġġ. Hekk kif ikun sar, itfi n-nar u żid il-fażola ħamra u l-kosbor. Sabiex isservi, saħħan il-forom tat-tacos u imlihom bit-taħlita tal-laħam. Fil-wiċċ, żid biċċiet żgħar tal-avokado u ferrex ftit krema.

Chicken with Cheese & Asparagu...

Add the butter to the pan and fry the onions and garlic for a few minutes. Add the chicken and cook for 5 minutes on each side. As it is ready, remove it from the pan and make it to the side. In the same pan, add a little more butter and gently cook the asparagus and mushrooms. Add the cream, we pulled and stock. Stir well until it comes very hot and the cheese has dissolved. If the sauce is very combined, you can add some milk. Add the chicken to the sauce and toss some parsley. Serve it with the outline you prefer.