
Celebrity Maltese Chefs and Recipe Enthusiasts

Aceline Media Recipes

Recipes prepared by chefs at and as seen live on Aroma Kitchen.

Recipe credit Aceline - for more visit

Recipe Photos Credit - Aaron Borda

Tomato and Aubergine Lasagna with G...

Drizzle the Aubergines with oil, grill from both sides on a hot grill and once browned place them on a kitchen towel to absorb the extra oil. Sauté the onion, garlic and then simmer the tomato salsa in. Layer the vegetables like a lasagna, starting with the tomato sauce, aubergines, mixed goat cheese, mint leaves and tomato than repeat again. Finish the top with tomato sauce and parmesan, bake on high temperature until browned and then allow to set for 2 hrs in the fridge and serve topped with rocket leaves, parmesan shavings and olive oil.

Insalata bil-Halloumi Griljat

Ibda r-riċetta billi tħallat flimkien f'kontenitur il-bużbież, il-basal u l-farru msajjar. F'kontenitur ieħor żgħir, ħallat flimkien il-ħall basmatiku, iż-żejt taż-żebbuġa, il-meraq u l-qxur tal-larinġ u żid ftit bżar u melħ. Żidu mat-taħlita tal-insalata u ħawwad kollox flimkien. Żid il-flieli tal-larinġ, id-dulliegħ u l-weraq tal-insalata u poġġi t-taħlita fil-friġġ. Aqsam il-ġobon f'erba' biċċiet. Żid ftit bżar u melħ u ftit dqiq u aqlih fi ftit żejt għal minuta fuq kull naħa sakemm jieħu l-kulur. Servi kollox flimkien fi platti fondi. Fil-wiċċ żid il-ġobon griljat u ferrex ftit mill-meraq li jkun fadal.

Lamb & Pancetta Brouchette on ...

Sajjar il-kuskus skont l-istruzzjonijiet tal-pakkett, u ħalltu flimkien mal-kosbor, paprika u l-ikkapuljat tal-ħaruf. Agħmel forom ta' blalen daqs 40g, dawwarhom fil-bejken u daħħalhom fi stikka. Griljahom fuq il-BBQ sakemm isiru. Qatta' l-pineapple, il-ġobon u griljahom sakemm jieħdu ftit kulur miż-żewġ naħat. Itfa' ftit bżar u melħ u ferrex ftit weraq tas-sagħtar waqt li jkunu għadhom sħan. Qaxxar il-qoxra tal-lumija u agħsarha, ħawwad tajjeb mal-jogurt u servih bħala kontorn. Ħallat flimkien in-nagħniegħ, il-weraq tal-insalata, u servi fuq il-halloumi u l-pineapple u fil-wiċċ żid l-istikek tal-laħam.

Klamari Friski Mimlijin

Ħallat u għaffeġ flimkien il-ħut, l-abjad tal-bajd, il-krema, in-nagħniegħ u bżar u melħ. Żid it-taħlita tal-antipasto. Naddaf sew il-klamari u neħħi l-biċċa ta' fuq. Imla l-klamari bit-taħlita tal-ħut u uża toothpick sabiex tkun tista' tagħlaqhom. Iggriljahom fuq gradilja msaħħna, u fl-aħħar itfagħhom ftit fil-forn sakemm isiru. Qatta' biċċiet żgħar il-kurrat u l-qarabagħli u sajjarhom ftit sakemm jieħdu l-kulur. Żidhom mal-ispinaċi.

Aubergine, Prawn and Ricotta Timbal...

Split the mozzarella in halves, pass through flour, dip in egg and roll in breadcrumbs. Coat twice. Grease 2 timballo moulds with extra virgin olive oil, dust with breadcrumbs and line with the aubergine slices. Mix the ricotta with the remaining egg, parsley, cheese, chopped prawns and garlic. Place a spoonful of cherry tomato sauce and top with the ricotta. Cover with a

layer of aubergine. Repeat the process and finish with the aubergine. Bake for 15 minutes on low moderate heat until the ricotta is set. Flip the aubergine timballo on a serving plate, accompanied with salad leaves, crispy fried mozzarella and the grilled king prawns.

Grilled Tuna on a Mango, Coriander ...

In a small bowl mix well the soy sauce and honey, brush the tuna with and roll into the sesame seeds. Drain well the spelt and in a large bowl mix well with the spring onions, tomatoes, onions, baby spinach, almonds and coriander, toss with olive oil. Seal the tuna on a preheated sauté pan and serve on the salad

Spiced bacon and 3 bean casserole w...

Start this recipe by frying the bacon in a pan to brown all over. Add in the onion and garlic and cook together for 2 minutes. Add in the spices and diced peppers and continue to cook for 3 minutes. Add in the tomato concentrate, cook for 1 minute then splash in the red wine to evaporate. Mix in the Worcestershire sauce, mustard, polpa and stock and cook together for 10 – 15 minutes. When ready, add in the baked beans with their sauce, the 2 types of drained beans and mix together well. Make up the flavoured couscous and warm the whole meal pittas. Serve the bean casserole with the couscous and the pitta cut into wedges.

Torta tat-Tiġieġ u l-Kurrat

Qatta’ t-tiġieġ f’biċċiet żgħar u itfa' l-bżar u l-melħ. Itfa’ mgħarfa butir f’taġen u aqli t-tiġieġ sakemm jieħdu l-kulur. Wara, żid il-bacon, il-kurrat u l-faqqiegħ. Ferrex ftit klin u nuċimuskata. Żid l-inbid abjad, ħallih itektek u itfa' l-ispinaċi u għaqqad bil-krema bajda. Itfa' t-taħlita f'dixx tal-forn. Għalli l-patata u għaffiġha. Ħallat magħha l-butir, il-ġobon u t-tursin. Żid ftit bżar u melħ u ħallat l-isfra tal-bajd. Ferrex il-patata fuq it-taħlita tat-tiġieġ u sajjar f'forn jaħraq b'mod moderat sakemm il-patata tieħu l-kulur.