
Celebrity Maltese Chefs and Recipe Enthusiasts

Maltese Sausage and pumpkin risotto

Sauté the onion, celery, garlic, and sausage in butter until softened without browning. Add the rice still for 2 minutes on low heat then pour in the wine and bring to the boil. Add the warm stock and simmer until liquid is almost absorbed and rice is almost cooked. Add the pumpkin and rosemary and mix well, continue cooking until rice is cooked through. Add the tomato cream and simmer for a few more minutes, adjust seasoning and serve with mascarpone on top.

Ricotta Ravioli with Lemon and Oliv...

Heat a knob of butter in a pan and sauté the onion and garlic until lightly browned. Add in the olives, thyme and tomatoes and sauté for 2 more minutes. Splash in the white wine, stock and simmer by half. Add in the cream, lemon zest, juice and simmer again by half. Meanwhile, cook the ravioli in salted boiling later. Finish off the sauce by whisking in the remaining butter, season and toss in the ravioli.

Koxxa tal-Ħaruf-il Forn

Idlek sewwa l-koxxa tal-ħaruf bi ftit żejt. Roxx fuqha l-bżar, il-melħ, u s-salvja. Poġġi l-ħaruf ġo dixx bi ftit ilma u nbid abjad. Għattih bil-foil. Sajjar f’forn moderat għal madwar siegħa u kwart. Neħħi l-foil u ħammar il-ħaruf sabiħ fil-forn. Ħalli l-koxxa tal-ħaruf toqgħod fil-forn mitfi għal madwar 25 minuta. Serviha bil-patata, ħaxix, gravy, u zalza lesta tal-minta.

Insalata tal-Bakkaljaw

The balance of salt cod, potatoes, onions, and fresh parsley makes this salad extremely tasty. Rinse any excess salt off the cod. Place the cod into a large bowl and cover it with cold water. Leave it to soak in the fridge for at least 24 hours, changing the water three to four times. If, upon tasting a small piece after allotted time has lapsed, the cod is still salty, soak it for a bit longer. Put the cod into a pan with the bay leaf and cover it with fresh, cold water. Bring it to just below boiling point over medium heat. Remove the pan from the heat and leave it to stand for about 10 minutes. Remove the cod from the water and leave it to cool, setting the water aside. Once cooled, remove the cod’s skin and any bones and flake the flesh with a fork. Place it in a large bowl. Peel and quarter the potatoes and cook them, over medium-high heat in the poaching water previously put aside, for about 15 minutes or until tender. DON’T OVERCOOK THEM. Drain, allow to cool slightly and then add them to the cod. Wash, peel and finely chop the leeks. Add them to the cod and potatoes. Add the sliced tomato and mix gently together. Wash and trim the parsley, discarding the stems. Dry and finely chop the leaves. Add the chopped parsley leaves to the potatoes and cod. Combine the oil, vinegar, garlic and pepper in a bowl. Whisk the vinaigrette until the ingredients are thoroughly blended. Toss the salad with the vinaigrette until all the ingredients are coated. Transfer the salad to a platter and garnish the edges with olives and wedges of hard boiled egg. Serve at room temperature or refrigerate until serving.

Pulpetti tal-Makku

Roughly cut the fish. Peel and crush the garlic. Mix well together the egg yolk, crushed garlic, coriander and chopped parsley in a bowl. Add some flour, seasoning and the whitebait to this mixture. Mix until all the ingredients are well combined. Using your hands, shape the mixture into small, round patties. Put some semolina on a large, flat plate and pass these patties in it. Heat a frying pan on medium-high heat, and once heated, add the oil. Gently drop the raw patty into the hot oil. Fry the patties until they are a deep, golden colour, turning them to ensure that each side is done. Keep them in a warm place until they are ready to serve. Serve hot with lemon wedges, tartar sauce and a crisp, green salad.

Roughly cut the fish. Peel and crush the garlic. Mix well together the egg yolk, crushed garlic, coriander and chopped parsley in a bowl. Add some flour, seasoning and the whitebait to this mixture. Mix until all the ingredients are well combined. Using your hands, s

hape the mixture into small, round patties. Put some semolina on a large, flat plate and pass these patties in it. Heat a frying pan on medium-high heat, and once heated, add the oil. Gently drop the raw patty into the hot oil. Fry the patties until they are a deep, golden colour, turning them to ensure that each side is done. Keep them in a warm place until they are ready to serve. Serve hot with lemon wedges, tartar sauce and a crisp, green salad.

Klamari Mimlijin

Clean the calamari. Holding the body firmly, grasp the head and pull gently, twisting, if necessary, to pull the head away from the body without breaking the ink sac. The internal body and tentacles will come out with it. Cut the tentacles from the head just below the eyes. At the centre of the tentacles is a small beak. Squeeze to remove it and discard. Set aside the tentacles. If the recipe calls for ink, reserve it; otherwise, discard the head and ink sac. At the top of the body, there is a clear piece of cartilage. Pull it out and discard as well. If the squid has an outer, spotted, membrane-type skin, pull it off and discard too. Wash the tube carefully, inside and out, together with the tentacles under cold running water. Set the calamari aside to drain. Finely chop the tentacles and set them aside. Pit the olives, slice them into thin slivers and set them aside. Peel and finely chop the onions and garlic. Heat some olive oil in a large frying pan, add the onions and garlic and fry them gently until soft and golden. Preheat the oven 1790C, gas mark 3. Add the reserved squid tentacles and fry for a further 5 minutes, stirring often. Stuff the calamari with the mixture, allowing a little room for the stuffing to expand during cooking. Seal the ends with cocktail sticks. Lightly grease a baking dish with olive oil and place the stuffed calamari in it. Cook in the oven for about 45 minutes. Serve hot with tomato sauce.

Torta tal-Fenek

Qatta' l-fenek f'dadi ta' 2ċm. Saħħan taġen bi ftit żejt taż-żebbuġa u sajjar il-fenek sakemm jieħu ftit kulur. Neħħih mit-taġen u żid il-karrotti, basal, karfus u tewm fl-istess taġen u sajjar sakemm jieħdu ftit kulur. Itfa' l-ħxejjex aromatiċi u l-ħwawar mal-kunserva u kompli sajjar għal minuta oħra. Erġa' poġġi l-fenek fit-taġen, itfa' l-inbid u ħallih jinxtorob. Żid l-istokk, tazza ilma, it-tadam u l-patata u ħallih itektek għal kwarta. Meta jkun lest, neħħih minn fuq in-nar u żid il-piżelli. Sadanittant, poġġi l-għaġina sfiljorata f'dixx tat-torti ta' 20ċm u itfa' t-taħlita tal-fenek u erġa' għatti bl-għaġina. Idlek il-wiċċ tal-għaġina b'bajda mħabbta u sajjar fil-forn f'temperatura ta' 175°C għal 35 minuta jew sakemm tieħu l-kulur.

Stuffat tal-Qarnit

Sabiex il-qarnit jiġik tari, saqsi lill-bejjiegħ tal-ħut sabiex jippreparalek il-qarnit b'mod li jkun lest għat-tisjir. Poġġih fil-friża għal madwar tliet ġimgħat. Ħallih jinżel mis-silġ u aħslu tajjeb. Qattgħu f'biċċiet żgħar. Imla kazzola bl-ilma u ħallih jagħli. Sajjar il-qarnit għal madwar 20 minuta. Saħħan ftit żejt taż-żebbuġa f'taġen kbir u aqli l-basal u t-tewm sakemm jieħdu l-kulur. Baxxi n-nar u żid it-tadam, il-kappar, il-kunserva u l-qoxra tal-lumija. Ħawwad tajjeb. Itfa' ftit ilma u ħallih itektek għal madwar 10 minuti. Neħħi l-biċċiet tal-qarnit mill-ilma u żidhom mat-taħlita tat-tadam. Żid il-merqtux u l-ħabaq u nofs l-inbid. Għatti t-taġen u ħallih itektek fuq nar baxx għal mill-inqas siegħa. Żid il-patata, il-piżelli u l-kumplament tal-inbid. Kompli sajjar dejjem fuq nar baxx għal madwar nofs siegħa oħra. Iċċekkja l-qarnit u kompli sajjar sakemm ikun tari. Jekk il-likwidu jinxef, żid ftit ilma jaħraq. Iċċekkja jekk għandekx bżonn iżżid xi ħwawar u servi mal-ħobż Malti frisk.