
Celebrity Maltese Chefs and Recipe Enthusiasts

Flan tal-Panedispanja Mimlija bl-Irkotta

Ipprepara l-flan tal-panedispanja skont ir-riċetta. Itfa' l-irkotta u z-zokkor f'kontenitur kbir u għaffiġhom sewwa sakemm it-taħlita tiġi kremuża. Jekk tara li l-irkotta ġiet pjuttost xotta, tista' żżid ftit ħalib jew krema. Warrab żewġ jew tliet imgħaref mill-irkotta sabiex iżżejjen. Żid il-frott konfettura u l-biċċiet taċ-ċikkulata mat-taħlita tal-irkotta u ħawwad kollox flimkien. Żid il-qoxra tal-lumija u n-noċimuskata u erġa' ħawwad kollox. Poġġi l-flan tal-panedispanja f'dixx kbir u ċatt u xarrab il-wiċċ tagħha b'xarba tal-gosti tiegħek. Imliha bit-taħlita tal-irkotta. Idlek iż-żejjed tal-irkotta fit-truf tal-flan u ferrex il-lewż u l-ġellewż fuqha. Fl-aħħar, żejjen bil-konfettura ħamra u ħadra. Ħalliha tiksaħ fil-friġġ qabel ma sservi.

Għadam tal-Mejtin

Put the ground almonds, sugar, egg whites, essences and grated rind of a lemon in a large mixing bowl. Do not add too much almond essence because it will give the filling a bitter taste.  Mix the ingredients well together until you obtain a fairly dry paste. Preheat the oven 1900C, gas mark 5. Put the pastry on a lightly floured tabletop, roll it out and cut it into oblongs. Put some almond paste in the centre of each oblong.  Wrap the pastry around the filling and mould it into the traditional bone shape.  Tuck it neatly around, trimming off extra bits. Put the ‘bones’ on a baking tray that has been lined with baking paper. Bake for about 30 minutes, or until the pastry turns golden brown. Remove the ‘bones’ from the baking tray and leave them to cool. Cover them with white royal icing when they are completely cold.


Prepare the beans by removing the outer pod and exterior coating. Toss the chopped onions & diced potatoes in butter heated over medium heat. When vegetables are well coated, add the prepared beans & toss once or twice. Then add the Kunserva & stir well. Add water to cover & the Vegetable Stock Pots. Continue to cook until the beans are soft approx 20 mins. Add the pasta beads, stir well & continue cooking, until these are transparent (another 20 mins). Finally add the peas & cook a few minutes longer until all the vegetables & the pasta beads are tender. Serve this soup with a sprinkling of freshly grated Parmesan cheese, & possibly a fresh sheep’s cheese (ġbejna) per person

Klamari Friski Mimlijin

Ħallat u għaffeġ flimkien il-ħut, l-abjad tal-bajd, il-krema, in-nagħniegħ u bżar u melħ. Żid it-taħlita tal-antipasto. Naddaf sew il-klamari u neħħi l-biċċa ta' fuq. Imla l-klamari bit-taħlita tal-ħut u uża toothpick sabiex tkun tista' tagħlaqhom. Iggriljahom fuq gradilja msaħħna, u fl-aħħar itfagħhom ftit fil-forn sakemm isiru. Qatta' biċċiet żgħar il-kurrat u l-qarabagħli u sajjarhom ftit sakemm jieħdu l-kulur. Żidhom mal-ispinaċi.

Torta ta lampuki

Chop the lampuki fillets into small squares. Chop the onions, garlic cloves, mint, and basil leaves into small pieces. Fry the onions and garlic in olive oil. Add the mint and basil and keep frying until onions turn golden. Lower the heat and add the fish without cooking completely. In the meantime, mix the mashed cauliflowers and cooked spinach well and chop the black olives and anchovies into small pieces. Add the spinach and cauliflower mix, olives, capers, and anchovies to the fish. Cook for a few minutes and then add the tomato puree, some salt and pepper and the lemon zest. Remove from the heat and add one lightly beaten egg. Mix well. Roll out the pastry and line over a greaseproof paper in a pie dish. Fill in with the lampuki mixture and use the other pastry to cover the pie. Brush with the lightly beaten egg and sprinkle with some sesame seeds. Make a few slits in the top of the pie and bake for around 50-60 minutes in a hot oven.

Aubergines with Maltese Style Panza...

Cut the aubergine in half lengthwise. Cut the flesh, criss-cross with a sharp knife and season with salt and pepper. Drizzle with the olive oil and bake or grill until soft. Meanwhile, cut the ftiras in half, spread with the tomato paste, drizzle generously with the olive oil and cut into neat dice. Season with salt and pepper and place on a baking tray and toast in the oven at 150°C. Bake until crunchy on the outside and slightly soft inside. Cut the tomato into cubes, halve the cherry tomatoes and place into a bowl. Add in the cucumber and onion and mix well before adding in the tuna, gardiniera’ and basil leaves. Mix in the crusty bread pieces before serving. Place the aubergines onto serving plates, top up with the tuna-bread mixture. Serve with the peppered gbejniet crumbled on top and a good drizzle of olive oil.

Torta tat-Tiġieġ u l-Kurrat

Qatta’ t-tiġieġ f’biċċiet żgħar u itfa' l-bżar u l-melħ. Itfa’ mgħarfa butir f’taġen u aqli t-tiġieġ sakemm jieħdu l-kulur. Wara, żid il-bacon, il-kurrat u l-faqqiegħ. Ferrex ftit klin u nuċimuskata. Żid l-inbid abjad, ħallih itektek u itfa' l-ispinaċi u għaqqad bil-krema bajda. Itfa' t-taħlita f'dixx tal-forn. Għalli l-patata u għaffiġha. Ħallat magħha l-butir, il-ġobon u t-tursin. Żid ftit bżar u melħ u ħallat l-isfra tal-bajd. Ferrex il-patata fuq it-taħlita tat-tiġieġ u sajjar f'forn jaħraq b'mod moderat sakemm il-patata tieħu l-kulur.

Bruxketta Kkulurita

Aqsam il-ħobż f’biċċiet ħoxnin. Roxx fuqhom ftit żejt taż-żebbuġa u ixwi fuq xi grilja jew fil-forn. Ġo reċipjent, saffi it-tadam tal-bott u ħallat mal-mozzarellu u l-ħabaq. Meta l-ħobż għadhom sħan, żid it-taħlita tat-tadam u erġa roxx ftit aktar żejt taż-żebbuġa fil-wiċċ