
Celebrity Maltese Chefs and Recipe Enthusiasts

Anton Dougall

Renowned Maltese Chef Anton B Dougall has been on the culinary scene since the early 70’s. He was one of the first pioneers in the local scene to create a cooking club “Klabb tat-Tisjir”, which is still very active till today. With his monthly recipe cards, numerous cooking books and television exposure, Mr Dougall has revolutionized Malta’s cooking by documenting both traditional recipes and also creating innovative ones using quality local ingredients.

Anton B. Dougall has been an avid chef for over 50 years and his contributions to the Malta’s cooking culture should be highly merited.

Perzut ta' Parma fuq il grissini

This is a super easy recipe and it look nice 😉However it is important that the grissini sticks are long and not broken. Also, choose good quality Italian ham known as Parma ham.

Slice each piece of ham in half and rotate it around the grissini stick. Be careful not to break any.

L-Għaġina għall-Focaccia

Sift the flour in a large bowl, add the salt, sugar and yeast and amalgamate together well. Add the milk to the mixture. For best results, make sure the milk is warm, not hot! Knead the pastry dough well enough to get a highly smooth texture, and form into a ball. Place the dough in a bowl and cover with a damp cloth. Leave the bowl in a warm place and allow to rest for around 2 hours or until the dough doubles in size. Sprinkle some flour on a smooth clean surface. Knead the dough again with the palm of your hand and place again In the bowl. Cover again with the damp cloth and place in a warm place until it rises again. The rising process takes less time this time but this step will reduce the taste of the yeast. At this stage you may freeze the focaccia dough in a plastic bag, compressing it as much as possible and place in freezer. The dough will freeze well for up to 3 months. This recipe will produce approx. 800g of dough. Before cooking top up with your favourite toppings.

Stuffed Pasta with Irkotta and Spin...

Heat the oven to a temperature of 1800C, gas number 4. In a bowl, mix well the Irkotta until very creamy. Add the grated cheese, nutmeg, salt and pepper and mix well together. Roughtly cut the cooked spinach leaves and add to the irkotta mixture. Add the beaten eggs and mix. Fill each pasta shell and set aside. Bring 1 large pot to a boil. Cover the sides of all pasta shells with the semolina and very gently add the past shells. The semolina is done in order to prevent the cheese mixture from coming out of the pasta shells. Leave the pasta ‘al dente’, it must not be fully cooked. In a separate oven dish, add the tomato sauce and gently add the pasta shells next to each other making sure the cheese area is looking upwards. Sprinkle the grated cheese, some salt and pepper and let cook for around 20 minutes. Serve hot.

Pesto Genovese

Poġġi l-ħabaq, żejt, prinjoli, tewm u melħ ġo food processor. Idħan sewwa fuq speed għoli. Meta l-ingredjenti jkunu ndaħnu tajjeb u saru ħaġa waħda; neħħi mill-food processor u qegħdu ġo beiqja. Ftit, ftit ibda ħawwad il-ġobon. Meta tkun żgur li l-ingredjenti jkunu kollha tħalltu sew żid il-butir artab u ħawwad tajjeb. Trid tħawwad b’idejk. Fl-aħħar żid mgħarfa misħun.

Ħobż għall-Kolazzjon

Iggrilja l-bejken u aqli l-bajd. Ixwi l-ħobż u idlek il-butir jew il-mayonnaise. Żid il-ħass, it-tadam, il-bejken u l-bajd.

Osso Buco

Roxx ftit bżar u melħ fuq il-laħam. Saħħan ftit żejt ġo taġen imdaqqas u qalli l-laħam malajr fuq żewġ naħat sakemm jiġi kannella. Neħħi l-laħam mit-taġen. Qatta’ l-basal biċċiet żgħar u aqlih fl-istess taġen tal-laħam. Żid it-tadam imqatta’, iz-zokkor u l-mixed spice. Sajjar għal ftit minuti. Żid id-dqiq, il-faqqiegħ, l-inbid u l-ilma, ftit bżar u melħ, u qoxra ta’ larinġa maħkuka.Kompli għalli u sajjar fuq nar baxx. Poġġi t-taħlita ġo casserole, żid il-laħam u kompli sajjar fil-forn b’temperatura baxxa ghal madwar 25 minuta. Servi ma’ ftit patata maxx u ftit ħaxix.

Insalata taċ-Ċfuf bit-Tonn taż-Żejt

Għalli l-għaġin skont l-istruzzjonijiet tal-pakkett. Aħsel u qattar tajjeb il-ħass. Qattgħu f'biċċiet u żidu mal-għaġin. Saffi t-tonn taż-żejt u żidu mal-għaġin flimkien maż-żebbuġ, il-bżar u l-melħ. Ħawwad tajjeb. F'reċipjent ieħor, ħallat il-mayonnaise ma' ftit yogurt flimkien mal-ħabaq. Ħawwad sakemm l-ingredjenti kollha jitħalltu flimkien. Ferrex din it-taħlita fuq l-għaġin. Żejjen il-wiċċ tal-insalata bil-blalen tal-mozzarella.

Insalata tal-Għaġin bl-Ispinaċi

Sajjar l-għagin skont l-istruzzjonijiet tal-pakkett. Aħsel tajjeb l-ispinaċi. Neħħi z-zkuk kollha u poġġih ġod-dixx mal-għaġin fejn se sservi l-insalata. Fl-istess dixx, żid nofs il-ġobon maħkuk, it-tadam imqatta’ f’ biċċiet, u t-tadam imqadded, iż-żejt u bżar u melħ. Ħawwad tajjeb. Fil-wiċċ roxx il-bqija tal-ġobon. Servi.