
Celebrity Maltese Chefs and Recipe Enthusiasts

Gibanica Ghawdxija

F'kontenitur kbir, itfa' l-ġbejniet friski u farrak il-ġobon il-Grieg u ħallat kollox flimkien. Żid it-tursin, il-bajd imħabbat, il-yogurt, il-ħalib, l-ilma tal-gass u żid il-bżar u l-melħ. Warrab it-taħlita għall-ġenb. Sadanittant, dewweb il-butir u żidu maż-żejt. Poġġi 2 strixxi tal-għaġina f'dixx fond tal-forn. Idlek il-wiċċ tal-għaġina bit-taħlita tal-butir u ż-żejt. Farrak strixxa tal-għaġina u għaddiha mit-taħlita tal-ġobon u l-bajd. Poġġiha fid-dixx u kompli b'dan il-metodu sakemm tgħatti d-dixx kollu. Fil-wiċċ, żid il-kumplament tat-taħlita. Għatti kollox b'2-3 strixxi tal-għaġina u idlikhom bit-taħlita tal-butir u ż-żejt. Sajjar għal madwar 40 minuta f'forn imsaħħan diġa f'temperatura ta' 180°c sakemm tieħu l-kulur.

Torta tat-Tuffieħ

Prepare the sweet shortcrust pastry. Preheat the oven 1800C, gas mark 4. On a lightly floured surface, roll out the pastry thinly and line a 24cm diameter, non-stick baking dish with it. If possible, use a loose bottomed tin. This will make it easier to remove the baked tart later on. If you will be using baking paper, moisten it slightly before lining the tin. Press the pastry lightly and firmly all over the base and sides of the tin, easing any overlapping pastry back down the sides, as it is important not to stretch this bit too much. Trim the edges, leaving a small edge of pastry sticking over the edge of the baking dish to allow for shrinkage in the oven. Prick the pastry’s bottom and sides a few times with a fork. Core, peel and slice the apples according to your taste. Place the sliced apples in a mixing bowl. Add the sugar, cinnamon, cloves, lemon rind and sultanas and mix well. Fill the baking dish with the apple mixture. Moisten the edges of the pastry with a little water. Cover completely the top with the remaining pastry, or else cut the pastry in strips and form a grid with them. Seal well and trim the edges of the tart. Make some slits in the top and brush with beaten egg. Bake for around 50 minutes, until the pastry gets a rich, golden colour.

Swiss Roll tac-Cikkulata

Warm the oven at 235C, gas number 8. Sieve the flour together with the chocolate powder. Grease a rectangular dish, of 45cm long by 38cm wide, with a little margarine and cover the bottom with a piece of baking paper. Put the eggs, sugar and vanilla essence in an electric mixer and work until the mixture turns white and thickens like a cream. You can also use an electric hand beater. Add the glycerin and continue to mix. Gradually add the flour little by little to the mixture while beating all the time. IMPORTANT: NEVER throw in all the flour at once! Pour the mixture into the prepared dish and see that its height is the same allover. Cook for about 4-5 minutes. Take the sponge out of the oven, remove it from the dish and place it face down on a napkin until it cools. For the filling: Put 2 jars of fresh cream or half of the UHT cream in a bowl and stir well. UHT cream is better to fill the Swiss roll. Cover the sponge with this cream and roll it. Place the Swiss roll in the fridge for at least two hours. In the meantime. melt the chocolate in the microwave or a bain-marie. It is very important that neither water nor steam come into contact with the chocolate and that you do not cover it whilst melting. If you use chocolate that is button-shaped and not block-shaped, it will melt much faster. Place the remaining 2 jars of fresh cream or UHT cream in a saucepan and heat over a moderate heat. Add the melted chocolate and mix well. Remove from the heat and let the mixture cool. Beat the cold cream well with an electric hand beater or mixer. Take the Swiss roll out of the fridge, place it on a large, oblong plate and cover it with this cream. Put it back in the fridge for at least two hours. Take out of the fridge and scratch the surface of the chocolate with a fork to make it look like a tree trunk (see photo). Sprinkle some icing sugar on top and decorate with Christmas decorations.


Preheat the oven 2000C, gas mark 6. Lightly grease and dust with flour a baking dish having a 23cm diameter. Combine the eggs, sugar and vanilla essence in a large mixing bowl.  Beat for about 10 minutes on the highest speed, until the mixture is white and thick. Use either an electric hand beater or else an electric mixer in order to have a really light sponge.  If you beat the eggs and sugar using a hand whisk, you will never have the same result. Sift the flour and, using a large metal spoon, lightly fold HALF of it into the mixture.Using a metal spoon, add the rest of the flour, half at a time, folding gently, in a figure of eight movement. Pour the mixture in the baking dish.Bake for 25-30 minutes, or until the sponge is well-risen and feels firm to the touch.Allow the sponge to stand for 5 minutes before turning it on to a wire rack to cool.

Sweet and Sticky Chicken and Pineap...

Ibda billi tħawwad flimkien il-qoxra u l-meraq tal-larinġa, il-BBQ sauce u l-biċċiet tal-felfel. Żid il-biċċiet tat-tiġieġ u ħawwad tajjeb. Ħallihom għal 30 minuta qabel ma tgħaddihom mill-istikek flimkien mal-pineapple u l-bżar aħmar. Itfa' ftit żejt taż-żebbuġa u sajjar fuq il-BBQ sakemm jieħdu l-kulur u jkunu saru. Sadanittant,sajjar il-kuskus bil-misħun u ħallih jixxarrab għal 5 minuti qabel ma tħawdu b'furketta. Itfa' ż-żejt taż-żebbuġa, in-nagħniegħ il-frisk u l-lewż inkaljat. Uża l-aktar avokado misjura sabiex tipprepara d-dipp (guacamole). Sabiex isservi, poġġi l-qoxra tal-pineapple fuq injama apposta u imliha bit-taħlita tal-kuskus. Poġġi l-istikek tat-tiġieġ fuq l-injama u agħmel id-dipp tal-avokado ġo kontenitu fil-ġenb. Żejjen bil-flieli tal-lumi, nagħniegħ u l-felfel.

Braised Beef Chilly Gluten Free Wra...

Idlek il-laħam fil-BBQ sauce u poġġih f'dixx tal-forn. Żid l-istokk taċ-ċanga, għattih u sajjar f'temperatura ta' 160 gradi Celsius għal 4 sigħat. Qalli ftit il-basal f'taġen flimkien mal-felfel u t-tewm. Żid il-fażola ħamra u ħawwad tajjeb. Fl-aħħar żid il-kosbor u neħħi minn fuq in-nar. Ifred il-laħam b'furketta, ħawdu mat-taħlita tal-basal u żid il-BBQ sauce. Itfa' ftit mit-taħlita fin-nofs tar-wrap, żid il-ġobon u l-ispinaċi, dawwarha u griljaha miż-żewġ naħat.

Deviled Eggs

Għalli l-ilma f'kazzola kbira, u żid il-bajd waħda waħda sakemm jerġa' jagħli. Ħallih għal minuta, itfi n-nar u ħalli l-bajd fil-kazzola għal 12-il minuta. Sadanittant, imla kontenitur kbir bl-ilma kiesaħ, u itfa' ftit silġ. Wara li l-bajd ikun qagħad għal tnax-il minuta, itfagħhom fl-ilma kiesaħ għal 15-il minuta - mhux iżjed - qabel ma tqaxxarhom mill-qoxra bil-mod. Aqsam il-bajd min-nofs mit-tul u neħħi bil-mod l-isfar minn kull nofs u itfgħu f'kontenitur. Poġġi l-aħjar 18-il nofs bajda fi platt. Mat-taħlita tal-isfra tal-bajd, żid il-mayonnaise, kuċċarina mustarda, il-melħ, il-paprika u ftit sauce li jaħraq. Ħawwad kollox flimkien u għaffeġ b'furketta. Fl-aħħar uża blender sabiex tkompli tħallat it-taħlita tajjeb. Żid iż-żejt u kompli ħawwad bil-blender. Ara jekk hemmx bżonn iżżid ftit melħ u bżar jew jekk tridhiex taħraq iżjed. Ġeneralment jintużaw żewġ kuċċarini mustarda u ftit iżjed sauce li jaħraq, imma idealment iżżidu ftit ftit. Żid ftit ilma b'idek sabiex ikollok konsistenza tajba fit-taħlita sabiex tuża piping bag. Itfa' t-taħlita fil-piping bag bl-għamla ta' stilla u imla n-nofsijiet tal-bajd. Tista' wkoll titfa' t-taħlita tal-isfra tal-bajd billi tuża żewġ kuċċarini. Xerred ftit paprika u kurrat biex iżżejjen.

Pizza Għawdxija bil-Ħobż Naan

Spread the tomato sauce on the naan bread and sprinkle the shredded mozzarella. Add your favourite ingredients and finish off with fresh rosemary and chopped Peppered Cheeselet. Drizzle with olive oil and bake in a preheated 220°C oven for about 15 minutes or until is well baked. Add fresh basil and serve.