
Tag Archives: Mayor

Swordfish in Tomato Sauce

Season fish simply and treat it with respect. The flavour of the fish itself is all you really want – a squeeze of fresh lemon is all that is required after grilling or oven-baking it.

Prawn Appetiser

To optimize the juice you get from a lemon, roll it hard under your palm for a minute before juicing.

Penne with Caponata

Plunge vegetables in ice water after blanching (boiling) them so they maintain a bright color. This dish may also be served cold as a pasta salad.

Trajfil Stil Malti

Ricotta is a very versatile ingredient. Its light creamy texture makes it ideal to enrich sauces, pasta dishes, as a quick spread or dip and in baking and desserts – or simply enjoyed on its own.

White Bean Soup

Add the salt and seasonings after the beans are tender and the consistency you want the finished recipe to represent, otherwise the beans will not cook well.

Potato Salad

To get snowy white potatoes, add a teaspoon of vinegar or fresh lemon juice to the boiling water

Spicy Honey Glazed Chicken Legs

Preheat oven on gas mark 4. Place the chicken legs in a baking dish. Mix together all the ingredients in

Cod Fritters

Salted cod was preserved when caught, in the autumn months, to be used throughout winter when it was impossible to catch fish.