

Please find some Questions & Answers which you might find handy about making use of this website. If you still want to contact us, please email us on We will do our best to reply within 24 hours.

Can I submit a recipe?

Submitting a recipe is easy. Click on ‘Submit a recipe’ found on the top banner. Fill in information which include: Recipe title, category, short summary (a short description of recipe), photo, ingredients, directions, level of difficulty, serving number, preparation time, cooking time, any allergens and tags. When ready, click on ‘Submit Recipe’. We will receive the recipe you submitted for confirmation. Please note that it will take anywhere between a few hours to a few days for the recipe to be processed and turn into a searchable recipe on Pappa.

Where can I see the receipes?

Viewing all recipes is possible by clicking on 'Recipes' on the menu bar. If you wish to look for something more specific, you can type what you like to fine in the 'search recipe' bar.

Is it possible to save a copy of a recipe which i like?

You can have a list of all your favorite recipes which you can easily find another time. You need to log in your account and press the 'thumbs up' button which is underneath each recipe.

Is sharing with friends possible?

Yes, you need to click the 'share' button which is underneath each recipe or tip.

Can I convert weight measure or temperature conversion?

You can click on 'Recipe Tools' from the top menu bar and select the weight and temperature you would like to convert.

Where can I find the food categories?

All recipes on Pappa can be found categorised in different categories examples 'Breakfast', 'Lunch', and Dinner. Categories are found underneath the main top menu bar. (Click on the red icons)

How can I check if I am logged in or not?

When you are logged in your account, the log in icon colour will be red. If you are not logged in, the icon will be green

Where can I find my favorite recipes?

When you log in your account, you click on the red log-in button on the top right corner, and select "My Favorite Recipes". The recipes you 'liked' will be listed to view.