
Traditional Almond Biscuits

Read in Maltese
Serves 10
Prep Time 25 mins
Cooking 25 mins
Level low


  • 400g Flour
  • 250g Sugar
  • 200g Almonds
  • 3 Egg Yolk
  • 3 Eggs
  • 12g Baking Powder
  • grated Lemon Rind
  • vanilla essence

Switch on the oven to 1800 C or gas number 4. In a bowl sieve the the flour with the baking powder . Add the whole almonds, the vanilla essence and the lemon grind and mix well. Beat 2 of the egg yolks with the eggs together with the sugar. Mix the two mixtures together and form a dough. Divide the mixture into 2 and form 2 flat rolls of around 5cm long and 1cm of height. Place a piece of baking paper on an oven proof dish and bake the rolls for around 10 to 15 minutes. Take out of the oven and gently slice into small pieces to form the biscuits. Bake again in oven for a further 10 minutes.

 Recipe by Anton B. Dougall

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